Re: working cmdtool? SUMMARY

From: Larry W. Virden (
Date: Wed Jul 07 1993 - 07:11:53 CDT

Of course, how xterm works with regards to default fonts, cut and paste,
etc. all depends on whether folk have any site specific defaults installed.

I don't believe that xterm attributes, as defined within OW 3.0's
/usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/XTerm has the cut and paste keys defined.
But then, a user can override the defaults with their own
$HOME/app-defaultx/XTerm file - for instance, here is what I have.
It let's me cut and paste (most of the time), have a nice default font,
define a few special classes of attributes (check out rn.vt100.translations
for a new way to have news running but out of the way while you work),
special function key definitions, etc.

We had to make a few hacks on the X11R4 xterm in bringing it up - there
was even a new resource or two that we added but whose name has slipped
my mind right now. XTerm has quite a lot of power - it's a shame that
folks are fixing some of its more serious bugs. I would LOVEto have the
cut bug involving carriage returns being lost when text reaches the edge of
the screen - as well as a modification of the 'feature' of text
not entering the scrolling buffer until it scrolls off the top of the screen.

!XTerm*iconGeometry: 10x12+0+0
XTerm*boldFont: -*-lucida sans typewriter-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
XTerm*borderWidth: 5
XTerm*charClass: 33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48,95:48
XTerm*cutNewline: false
XTerm*cutToBeginningOfLine: false
XTerm*font: -*-lucida sans typewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
XTerm*saveLines: 1024
XTerm*saveUnder: False
XTerm*scrollbar*thickness: 8
XTerm*sunFunctionKeys: true
XTerm*termName: xterm
XTerm*titeInhibit: true
XTerm*ttyModes: intr ^c erase ^h kill ^u

XTerm*c132: true
XTerm*curses: true
XTerm*multiScroll: true
XTerm*reverseWrap: false
XTerm*titeInhibit: true
XTerm*autoWrap: true
XTerm*scrollBar: true
XTerm*scrollKey: true

! XTerm*boldFont: screen.b.12
! XTerm*font: screen.r.12
XTerm*foreground: black
!XTerm*foreground: yellow
!XTerm*foreground: light cyan
XTerm*background: light goldenrod
!XTerm*background: #171780
!XTerm*background: midnight blue
!XTerm*cursorColor: yellow
XTerm*cursorColor: red
XTerm*pointerColor: BlueViolet
XTerm*pointerShape: hand2
! XTerm*scrollBar: true
! XTerm*scrollbar*foreground: midnightblue
! XTerm*scrollbar*background: lightblue
! XTerm*scrollbar*foreground: white
! XTerm*scrollbar*background: black

! XTerm*Font: 8x13
! XTerm*boldFont: 8x13b
! XTerm*VT100*font1: nil2
! XTerm*VT100*font2: 6x10
! XTerm*VT100*font3: 8x13
! XTerm*VT100*font4: 9x15

XTerm*vtMenu.background: black
XTerm*vtMenu*foreground: #ff0000
XTerm*vtMenu*scrollbar*foreground: #ff2900
XTerm*vtMenu*jumpscroll*foreground: #ff5200
XTerm*vtMenu*reversevideo*foreground: #ff7b00
XTerm*vtMenu*autowrap*foreground: #ffa500
XTerm*vtMenu*reversewrap*foreground: #ffbb00
XTerm*vtMenu*autolinefeed*foreground: #ffd200
XTerm*vtMenu*appcursor*foreground: #ffe800
XTerm*vtMenu*appkeypad*foreground: #ffff00
XTerm*vtMenu*scrollkey*foreground: #bfff00
XTerm*vtMenu*allow132*foreground: #3fff00
XTerm*vtMenu*cursesemul*foreground: #00ff00
XTerm*vtMenu*visualbell*foreground: #00bf3f
XTerm*vtMenu*marginbell*foreground: #007f7f
XTerm*vtMenu*altscreen*foreground: #003fbf
XTerm*vtMenu*softreset*foreground: #0000ff
XTerm*vtMenu*hardreset*foreground: #3b20fa
XTerm*vtMenu*tekshow*foreground: #7741f6
XTerm*vtMenu*tekmode*foreground: #b261f2
XTerm*vtMenu*vthide*foreground: #ee82ee
XTerm*mainMenu*background: black
XTerm*mainMenu*foreground: red
XTerm*mainMenu*securekbd*foreground: white
XTerm*mainMenu*allowsends*foreground: royalblue
XTerm*mainMenu*logging*foreground: red
XTerm*mainMenu*redraw*foreground: white
XTerm*mainMenu*suspend*foreground: royalblue
XTerm*mainMenu*continue*foreground: red
XTerm*mainMenu*interrupt*foreground: white
XTerm*mainMenu*hangup*foreground: royalblue
XTerm*mainMenu*terminate*foreground: red
XTerm*mainMenu*kill*foreground: white
XTerm*mainMenu*quit*foreground: royalblue
XTerm*fontMenu*background: black
XTerm*fontMenu*foreground: maroon
XTerm*fontMenu*fontdefault*foreground: grey
XTerm*fontMenu*font1*foreground: maroon
XTerm*fontMenu*font2*foreground: grey
XTerm*fontMenu*font3*foreground: maroon
XTerm*fontMenu*font4*foreground: grey
XTerm*fontMenu*font5*foreground: maroon
XTerm*fontMenu*font6*foreground: grey
XTerm*fontMenu*fontescape*foreground: maroon
XTerm*fontMenu*fontsel*foreground: grey
XTerm*vtMenu*allowvariable*Label: Allow Window to be Resized by Escape Sequene
XTerm*vtMenu*allow_variable*Label: Allow Window to be Resized by Escape Sequence

ems*vt100.geometry: 80x55+10+10

vt220*sunFunctionKeys: True
vt220*VT100.translations: #override <Key>R5: keymap(vt)
vt220*vtKeymap.translations: \
    <Key>R5: keymap(None) \n\
    <Key>KP_Enter: string(0x1B) string("OM") \n\
    <Key>R1: string(0x1B) string("OP") \n\
    <Key>R2: string(0x1B) string("OQ") \n\
    <Key>R3: string(0x1B) string("OR") \n\
    <Key>Num_Lock: string(0x1B) string("OS") \n\
    <Key>KP_Add: string(0x1B) string("Ol") \n\
    <Key>KP_Subtract: string(0x1B) string("Om") \n\
    <Key>KP_Decimal: string(0x1B) string("On") \n\
    <Key>Insert: string(0x1B) string("Op") \n\
    <Key>R13: string(0x1B) string("Oq") \n\
    <Key>Down: string(0x1B) string("Or") \n\
    <Key>R15: string(0x1B) string("Os") \n\
    <Key>Left: string(0x1B) string("Ot") \n\
    <Key>R11: string(0x1B) string("Ou") \n\
    <Key>Right: string(0x1B) string("Ov") \n\
    <Key>R7: string(0x1B) string("Ow") \n\
    <Key>Up: string(0x1B) string("Ox") \n\
    <Key>R9: string(0x1B) string("Oy") \n\
    <Key>F9: string(0x1B) string("OA") \n\
    <Key>F10: string(0x1B) string("OB") \n\
    <Key>F28: string(0x7F) \n\
    <Key>SunXK_F37: string(0x1B) string("OC") \n\
    <Key>SunXK_F36: string(0x1B) string("OD")

Blue*background: medium slate blue
Diff*background: "ghost white"

dbx*VT100.translations: #override <Key>SunXK_F37: keymap(dbx)
dbx*VT100.dbxKeymap.translations: \
   <Key>F1: keymap(None) \n\
   <Key>F2: string("next") string(0x0d) \n\
   <Key>F3: string("step") string(0x0d) \n\
   <Key>F4: string("continue") string(0x0d) \n\
   <Key>F5: string("print ") insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0)
dbx*iconPixmap: /home/lwv26/D.icons/X11/coke.xbm

stn*tek4014.translations: #override\n \
    Any<Key>F1: tek-page() string(0x0d) \n \
    Any<Key>F2: tek-copy() \n \
    Any<Key>F3: tek-reset() \n \
    Ctrl<Key>Return: tek-page() \n \
    ~Ctrl<Btn1Down>: string("S") string(0x0d) \n \
    Shift ~Ctrl<Btn1Down>: string("F") string(0x0d) \n \
    Shift ~Ctrl<Btn2Down>: string("T") string(0x0d) \n \
    Shift ~Ctrl<Btn3Down>: string("D") string(0x0d) \n \
    Ctrl<Key>e: string("E") string(0x0d) \n \
    Ctrl<Key>k: string("K") string(0x0d) \n \
    Ctrl<Key>m: string("M") string(0x0d) \n \
    Ctrl<Key>r: string("R") string(0x0d)

rn.vt100.translations: #augment \n\

shrink.vt100.translations: #augment \n\

! <EnterNotify>:set-vt-font(d)\n\
! <LeaveNotify>:set-vt-font(1)\n\

TST*VT100.translations: #override \n\
  Meta<Key>F1: string("echo this is meta F1\n")\n \
  Shift<Key>F1: string("echo this is shift F1\n")\n\
  Ctrl<Key>F1: string("echo this is ctrl F1\n")\n\
  Any<Key>F1: string(0x1b) string("1") \n\
  !Mod2 Ctrl <Btn1Down>:popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
       !Ctrl <Btn1Down>:popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
  !Mod2 Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
       !Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
  !Mod2 Ctrl <Btn3Down>:popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
       !Ctrl <Btn3Down>:popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
  Shift<KeyPress>Select: select-cursor-start() \
  Shift<Key>L10: select-end(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD,CUT_BUFFER0)\n\
  Any<Key>L10: start-extend() select-end(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD,CUT_BUFFER0)\n\
  Any<Key>L8: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n \
  Any<Key>L6: start-extend() select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
  Shift<Key>Help: string(0x1b) string("[255z") \n\
  Shift<Key>Tab: string(0x1b) string("[240z") \n\
  Ctrl<Key>Tab: string(0x1b) string("[252z") \n\
  Any<Key>Tab: string(0x09) \n\
  Ctrl<Key>?: string("\177")\n\
  Any<Key>SunXK_F37: string(0x1b) string("[235z") \n\
  Any<Key>SunXK_F36: string(0x1b) string("[234z") \n\
  Any<Key>F28: string(0x7f) \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_0: string("0") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_0: string(0x1b) string("[247z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_1: string("1") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_1: string(0x1b) string("[220z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_2: string("2") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_2: string(0x1b) string("[B") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_3: string("3") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_3: string(0x1b) string("[222z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_4: string("4") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_4: string(0x1b) string("[D") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_5: string("5") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_5: string(0x1b) string("[B") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_6: string("6") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_6: string(0x1b) string("[C") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_7: string("7") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_7: string(0x1b) string("[214z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>Up: string("8") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>Up: string(0x1b) string("[A") \n \
  Mod2<Key>KP_9: string("9") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_9: string(0x1b) string("[216z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Add: string("+") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Add: string(0x1b) string("[253z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Decimal: string(".") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Decimal: string(0x1b) string("[249z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Divide: string("/") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Divide: string(0x1b) string("[212z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Enter: string(0x0d) \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Enter: string(0x1b) string("[250z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Equal: string("=") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Equal: string(0x1b) string("[211z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Multiply: string("*") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Multiply: string(0x1b) string("[213z") \n\
  Mod2<Key>KP_Subtract: string("-") \n\
  ~Mod2<Key>KP_Subtract: string(0x1b) string("[254z") \n

ems*vt100.translations: #override\n\
  ~Shift <KeyPress> Scroll_Lock: set-scrollbar(toggle) \n\
  ~Shift <KeyPress> Home: scroll-back(100,page) \n\
  ~Shift <KeyPress> End: scroll-forw(100,page) \n\
  ~Shift ~Meta <KeyPress> Prior: scroll-back(1,page) \n\
  ~Shift ~Meta <KeyPress> Next: scroll-forw(1,page) \n\
  ~Shift Meta <KeyPress> Prior: scroll-back(1,line) \n\
  ~Shift Meta <KeyPress> Next: scroll-forw(1,line) \n\
        <Key>L6: start-extend() select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0)\n\ <Key>L8: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
        <Key>L10: start-extend() select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0)\n

STEST*VT100.translations: #override \n \
          Shift <KeyPress> Prior: scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\
           Shift <KeyPress> Next: scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n\
         Shift <KeyPress> Select: select-cursor-start() \
                                  select-cursor-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
         Shift <KeyPress> Insert: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
                 ~Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit() \n\
                  Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit() \n\
            Ctrl ~Meta<Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
                ~Meta <Btn1Down>: select-start() \n\
              ~Meta <Btn1Motion>: select-extend() \n\
          ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Down>: start-extend() \n\
              ~Meta <Btn2Motion>: select-extend() \n\
            ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>: select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
          ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Down>: ignore() \n\
            ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Up>: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0)\n\
           Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
           Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Down>: popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
             ~Ctrl ~Meta <BtnUp>: select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
                       <BtnDown>: bell(0) \n\
                      Any<Key>L6:select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
                      Any<Key>L8: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n \
                        <Key>L10: select-end(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD,CUT_BUFFER0)\n

TTEST*VT100*translations: #override\n\
        Shift <KeyPress> Select:select-cursor-start() \
                select-cursor-end(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0, PRIMARY)\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn1Down>: select-start() \n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Down>: start-extend()\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Motion>: start-extend()\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>: select-end(PRIMARY)\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Down>: ignore()\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Up>: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,CUT_BUFFER0,PRIMARY)\n\
        <Key>L8: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,CUT_BUFFER0,PRIMARY)\n\
        <Key>L6: select-extend() select-end(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0, PRIMARY)

altsel*VT100.translations: #augment\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta<Btn2Up>: insert-selection(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0)\n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta<BtnUp>: select-end(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0,CLIPBOARD)\n\
        <KeyPress>L8: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\
        ~Shift <Key>R15: scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n\
        ~Shift <Key>R9: scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\
        Shift <Key>R15: scroll-forw(1,page) \n\
        Shift <Key>R9: scroll-back(1,page)

!XTerm*iconBitmap: /full/path/bitmap/image
!XTerm*iconPixmap: /full/path/bitmap/image This is a BITMAP not PIXMAP!!
!XTerm*jumpScroll: True
XTerm*visualBell: False

shift*vt100*translations: #override \
        Any<Key>F1: string("Key-F1") \n\
        Shift<Key>F2: string("Shift-F2")\n\
        Any<Key>F2: string("F2") \n

less*VT100.geometry: 90x63+500+45

:s Larry W. Virden                 INET:
:s Personal: 674 Falls Place,   Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-1614

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Fri Sep 28 2001 - 23:08:00 CDT