SUMMARY: Jumpstart Solaris 10 NFS version 4 domain questions

From: <>
Date: Sat Sep 10 2005 - 04:29:07 EDT
Hi all

Sorry for the delay but I had no time to test before.....!

Many thanks to Stefan Varga for the solution. I mean following file must
exists if the systems boots the first time after "finish.script":


In this file it could be configured following:


Within my jumpstart process I included it in the finish.script like the

	--------------- /jumpstart_server/Solaris_8/finish.script
	cp /dev/null ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
	chmod 744 ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
	echo '#!/sbin/sh'                        >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}

	echo "mount ${SERVER}:${FILESYS} ${MOUNTPT}" \
	                                         >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
	echo "cd ${MOUNTPT}/"                    >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
	echo "./client.finish > /var/log/jumpstart.log" \
	                                         >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
		echo "rm -f ${BOOTSCRIPT}"               >>
	echo "reboot -- -r" >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}

	# Only for Solaris 10
	cp /dev/null ${ROOT}/${NFS4DOMAIN}
	chmod 644 ${ROOT}/${NFS4DOMAIN}
	chown root:root ${ROOT}/${NFS4DOMAIN}
	echo             >> ${ROOT}/${NFS4DOMAIN}
	--------------- /jumpstart_server/Solaris_8/finish.script

Again many thanks to all which has given me a note etc.


Hi all

I tried in the last weeks building up a Solaris 8 based Jumpstart Server On
a Ultra 10 512 MB RAM and 440 MHz.

After some difficulties it worked absolutly fine and both Solaris 8 and 9
could now be installed without problems over the Jumpstart Server in the way
I use:

--------------- rules --------------- 

hostname proteus - client.profile finish.script

--------------- rules --------------- 

The finish.script is creating actually a nfs mount and uses after the mount
is done a normal
Script which installes or removes packages etc. :

--------------- finish.script --------------- 


cp /dev/null ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
chmod 744 ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
echo '#!/sbin/sh'                        >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
echo "mount ${SERVER}:${FILESYS} ${MOUNTPT}" \
                                         >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}

echo "cd ${MOUNTPT}/"                    >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
echo "./client.finish > /var/log/jumpstart.log" \
                                         >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
	echo "rm -f ${BOOTSCRIPT}"               >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
echo "reboot -- -r" >> ${ROOT}/${BOOTSCRIPT}
--------------- finish.script --------------- 

The client.profile looks like:

-------------- client.profile --------------- 

# profile keywords        	profile values
# -----------------       	-----------------
# This profile keyword is required in every profile
install_type 			initial_install
#system_type 			standalone
system_type 			server

# Following initial Cluster's are available for installation
#  SUNWCreq     (Core System Support cluster)           * Solaris 8 & 9
#  SUNWCuser    (End-User cluster),                     * Solaris 8 & 9
#  SUNWCprog    (Developer cluster)                     * Solaris 8 & 9
#  SUNWCall     (Every OS package)                      * Solaris 8 & 9
#  SUNWCrnet    (Reduced Networking Software)           * Only Solaris 10

cluster 			SUNWCrnet

# Partitioning will be done explixit or default
partitioning                  explicit
#partitioning                   default

# How the Client will pe partioned for a "HP-9.10GBA80-SA40-SA40 cyl 11106" 

filesys                        rootdisk.s0 7073 /
filesys                        rootdisk.s1 1024 /var
filesys                        rootdisk.s2 all overlap
filesys                        rootdisk.s3 512 swap
filesys                        rootdisk.s4 10 /metadb1
filesys                        rootdisk.s5 free /metadb2 

--------------- client.profile --------------- 

The sysidcfg looks like:

--------------- sysidcfg --------------- 

network_interface=primary {netmask=
			default_route= }

--------------- sysidcfg ---------------

The next step would be Solaris 10 and I did the exact same as for Solaris 8
And 9 and it worked actually but there is after first reboot always a
question About:

        This system is configured with NFS version 4, which uses a domain
        name that is automatically derived from the system's name services.
        The derived domain name is sufficient for most configurations. In a
        few cases, mounts that cross different domains might cause files to
        be owned by "nobody" due to the lack of a common domain name.

        Do you need to override the system's default NFS version 4 domain
        name (yes/no) ? [no] : 

>>>> How could I automate that this question does not appear?

Also I tried to install directly SUNWCrnet (Reduced Networking Software)but
it seems that after the first reboot and answering above question the
client.finish script could not be transfer some date like installing package
etc. after a nfs mount command! 

>>>> The reason about that is that nfs is not included in SUNWCrnet ok
     so far so good but how could I transfer data for example installing
     additional packages?

My last question is about Solaris 10!

>>>> Did somebody now a god link which is explained the difference between
     Solaris 10 and Solaris 8/9 or some docus How to secure etc.?

I did not find some really good links etc. Any comments are welcome...many
thanks in advanced for any help.

Kind regards

sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 10 04:30:32 2005

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