My apoligies: Martin Schmitt was had the correct answer -- basically when using vim, put into your .vimrc file: set cpoptions-=x Here is his full response (thanks Martin!): ------snip------ CANCELLING You thought of executing a : or / command, but changed your mind. To get rid of what you already typed, without executing it, press CTRL-C or <Esc>. Note: <Esc> is the universal "get out" key. Unfortunately, in the good old Vi pressing <Esc> in a command line executed the command! Since that might be considered to be a bug, Vim uses <Esc> to cancel the command. But with the 'cpoptions' option it can be made Vi compatible. And when using a mapping (which might be written for Vi) <Esc> also works Vi compatible. Therefore, using CTRL-C is a method that always works. If you are at the start of the command line, pressing <BS> will cancel the command. It's like deleting the ":" or "/" that the line starts with. ------snap------ To disable this behaviour, put the following into your ~/.vimrc: set cpoptions-=x > On a related note, the behavior of backspace is different on Solaris > than linux as well. Have you already run "stty erase <BS>" with <BS> being an actual press of the backspace key? If you always come from the same terminal, put this into your .profile and you should be fine. _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Thu Oct 30 13:02:18 2003
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