Upon demand, enclosed is the entire cfg2html script. This script is an enhancement of sysinfo, and thus collects all the useful informationf from a systems. Enjoy. Toni #!/bin/ksh # # set -vx # $Header: /home/cvsroot/cfg2html_sun/cfg2html_sun.sh,v 1.5 2003/02/03 14:51:48 ralproth Exp $ ############################################################################ # $Log: cfg2html_sun.sh,v $ # Revision 1.5 2003/02/03 14:51:48 ralproth # Fixed cvs keywords, added log and version # ############################################################################ PATH=$PATH:/local/bin:/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/local/gnu/bin:/usr/ccs/ bin :/local/X11/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/proc/bin:/usr/ucb:/local/mi sc/ openv/netbackup/bin # ## ## we implement the Options as they are implemented in the Linux Version of cfg2html ## 03Feb2003 it233 FRU U.Frey # use "no" to disable a collection # CFG_NETWORK="yes" # <-- Network security, collecting tcpd and ip filter settings CFG_SYSTEM="yes" CFG_CRON="yes" CFG_HARDWARE="yes" CFG_SOFTWARE="yes" CFG_FILESYS="yes" CFG_LVM="yes" CFG_KERNEL="yes" CFG_ENHANCEMENTS="yes" CFG_APPLICATIONS="yes" GIF="yes" if [ "$OUTDIR" = "" ] ; then OUTDIR="." fi # # # usage() { echo " Usage: `basename $0` [OPTION]" echo " creates HTML and plain ASCII host documentation" echo echo " -o set directory to write or use the environment" echo " variable OUTDIR=\"/path/to/dir\" (directory must" echo " exist" echo " -v output version information and exit" echo " -h display this help and exit" echo echo " use the following options to disable collections:" echo echo " -s disable: System" echo " -c disable: Cron" echo " -S disable: Software" echo " -f disable: Filesystem" echo " -d disable: Disks" echo " -k disable: Kernel" echo " -F disable: Files" echo " -n disable: Network" echo " -a disable: Applications" echo " -H disable: Hardware" echo " -x don't create background images" echo } # # getopt # # #NO_ARGS=0 #if [ $# -eq "$NO_ARGS" ] # Script invoked with no command-line args? #then # usage # exit 1 # Exit and explain usage, if no argument(s) given. #fi while getopts ":o:xshcSfdkFnaHvh" Option do case $Option in o ) OUTDIR=$OPTARG;; v ) echo $VERSION;exit;; h ) usage;exit;; x ) GIF="no";; s ) CFG_SYSTEM="no";; c ) CFG_CRON="no";; S ) CFG_SOFTWARE="no";; f ) CFG_FILESYS="no";; d ) CFG_DISKS="no";; k ) CFG_KERNEL="no";; F ) CFG_FILES="no";; n ) CFG_NETWORK="no";; a ) CFG_APPLICATIONS="no";; H ) CFG_HARDWARE="no";; * ) echo "Unimplemented option chosen.";exit 1;; # DEFAULT esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # Decrements the argument pointer so it points to next argument. # #RCCS="@(#)Cfg2Html-SUN Version 1.1" # useful for what (1) #VERSION=`echo $RCCS|cut -c5-` VERSION="Cfg2Html/SUN Version "$(echo "$Revision: 1.5 $" | cut -f2 -d" ") MYNAME=`whence $0` CFG_HOME=`dirname $MYNAME` ##CFG_HOME="/usr/local/scripts" PLUGINS=$CFG_HOME/plugins HTML_OUTFILE=$OUTDIR/`uname -n`.html HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP=/tmp/`uname -n`.html.$$ TEXT_OUTFILE=$OUTDIR/`uname -n`.txt TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP=/tmp/`uname -n`.txt.$$ ERROR_LOG=$OUTDIR/`uname -n`.err touch $HTML_OUTFILE echo "Starting up $VERSION\r" [ -s "$ERROR_LOG" ] && rm -f $ERROR_LOG 2> /dev/null DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` # ISO8601 compliant date string DATEFULL=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` # ISO8601 compliant date and time string IPADRESSE=`cut -d"#" -f1 /etc/hosts | awk '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ("'$HOSTNAME'" == $i) {print $1; exit} }'` ANTPROS=`psrinfo | awk 'END {print NR}'` SPEED=`psrinfo -v | awk '/MHz/{print $(NF-1); exit }'` CPU=`uname -p` TYPE=`uname -i` LC_TIME="" date +"%a %b %e %Y %H:%M" CURRDATE=`LC_TIME="" date +"%b %e %Y"` #Let the cache expire since this script runes every night EXPIRE_CACHE=`LC_TIME="" date "+%a, %d %b %Y "`"23:00 GMT" line ( ) { echo --=[ http://come.to/cfg2html ]=----------------------------------------------- } echo "\n" ######################################################### # Check that you are running the script as root user ######################################################### if [ `id|cut -c5-11` != "0(root)" ] then banner "Sorry" line echo "You must run this script as Root\n" exit 1 fi ######### Check if /plugin dir is there ############################# if [ ! -x $PLUGINS/get_sap.sh ] then banner "Error" line echo "Installation Error, the plugin directory is missing or execute bit is not set" echo "You MUST install cfg2html via tar xvf" echo "Plugin-Dir = $PLUGINS" exit 1 fi exec 2> $ERROR_LOG if [ ! -f $HTML_OUTFILE ] ; then banner "Error" line echo "You have not the rights to create $HTML_OUTFILE! (NFS?)\n" exit 1 fi RECHNER=`uname -n` VERSION_=`uname -r` typeset -i HEADL=0 #Headinglevel osrev=`uname -r` if [ "$osrev" -lt 2 ] then banner "Sorry" line echo "$0: Requires Solaris 2.6 or better!\n" exit 1 fi #################################################################### # needs improvement! # trap "echo Signal: Aborting!; rm $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP" 2 13 15 #################################################################### # Beginn des HTML Dokumentes mit Ueberschrift und Titel #################################################################### # Header of HTML file #################################################################### open_html() { echo " \ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Selfmade-$RCCS-vi Solaris 2.x"> <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="t505414@online.no"> <META NAME="CREATED" CONTENT="Trond Eirik Aune"> <META NAME="CHANGED" CONTENT="`id` %A%"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="$Header: /home/cvsroot/cfg2html_sun/cfg2html_sun.sh,v 1.5 2003/02/03 14:51:48 ralproth Exp $DATE root Exp $"> <META NAME="subject" CONTENT="$VERSION on $RECHNER by t505414@online.no"> <TITLE>${RECHNER} - Documentation - $VERSION</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080" BACKGROUND="cfg2html_back.jpg"> <H1><CENTER><FONT COLOR=blue> <P><hr><B>$RECHNER - SunOS "`uname -r`" System Documentation</P></H1> <hr><FONT COLOR=blue><small>Created "$DATEFULL" with " $VERSION "</font></center></B></small> <HR><H1>Contents\n</font></H1>\n\ " >$HTML_OUTFILE (line;banner $RECHNER;line) > $TEXT_OUTFILE echo "\n" >> $TEXT_OUTFILE echo "\n" > $TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP } ###################################################################### # Increases the headling level ###################################################################### inc_heading_level() { HEADL=HEADL+1 ## ## no we want to have it otherways ## it233 U.Frey ##echo "<UL>\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE echo "<UL type='square'>\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE # !!!!! } ###################################################################### # Decreases the heading level ###################################################################### dec_heading_level() { HEADL=HEADL-1 echo "</UL>\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE } ###################################################################### # Creates an own paragraph, $1 = heading ###################################################################### paragraph() { if [ "$HEADL" -eq 1 ] ; then echo "\n<HR>\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP fi #echo "\n<table WIDTH="90%"><tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"><td>\n">>$HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<A NAME=\"$1\">" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<A HREF=\"#Inhalt-$1\"><H${HEADL}> $1 </H${HEADL}></A><P>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP #echo "<A HREF=\"#Inhalt-$1\"><H${HEADL}> $1 </H${HEADL}></A></table><P>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP ## ## no we do not want the gif at begin of line ## it233 30Jan2003 U.Frey ##echo "<IMG SRC="profbull.gif" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE echo "<A NAME=\"Inhalt-$1\"></A><A HREF=\"#$1\">$1</A>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE echo "\nCollecting: " $1 " .\c" echo " $1" >> $TEXT_OUTFILE } ###################################################################### # Documents the single commands and their output # $1 = unix command, $2 = text for the heading ###################################################################### exec_command() { echo ".\c" echo "\n---=[ $2 ]=----------------------------------------------------------------" | cut -c1-74 >> $TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP echo " - $2" >> $TEXT_OUTFILE ######the working horse########## TMP_EXEC_COMMAND_ERR=/tmp/exec_cmd.tmp.$$ EXECRES=`eval $1 2> $TMP_EXEC_COMMAND_ERR | expand | cut -c 1-150` if [ -z "$EXECRES" ] then EXECRES="n/a" fi if [ -s $TMP_EXEC_COMMAND_ERR ] then echo "stderr output from \"$1\":" >> $ERROR_LOG cat $TMP_EXEC_COMMAND_ERR | sed 's/^/ /' >> $ERROR_LOG fi rm -f $TMP_EXEC_COMMAND_ERR echo "\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<A NAME=\"$2\"></A> <A HREF=\"#Inhalt-$2\"><H${HEADL}> $2 </H${HEADL}></A>\n" >>$HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<PRE><B>$EXECRES</B></PRE>\n" >>$HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"${EXPIRE_CACHE}\">">>$HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP #echo "<PRE><SMALL><B>$EXECRES</B></SMALL></PRE>\n" >>$HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<LI><A NAME=\"Inhalt-$2\"></A><A HREF=\"#$2\">$2</A>\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE echo "\n$EXECRES\n" >> $TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP } ################# Schedule a job for killing commands which ############### ################# may hang under special conditions. <mortene@sim.no> ##### # Argument 1: regular expression to search processlist for. Be careful # when specifiying this so you don't kill any more processes than # those you are looking for! # Argument 2: number of minutes to wait for process to complete. KillOnHang() { TMP_KILL_OUTPUT=/tmp/kill_hang.tmp.$$ at now + $2 minutes 1>$TMP_KILL_OUTPUT 2>&1 <<EOF ps -ef | grep root | grep -v grep | egrep $1 | awk '{print \$2}' | sort -n -r | xargs kill EOF AT_JOB_NR=`egrep '^job' $TMP_KILL_OUTPUT | awk '{print \$2}'` rm -f $TMP_KILL_OUTPUT } # You should always match a KillOnHang() call with a matching call # to this function immediately after the command which could hang # has properly finished. CancelKillOnHang() { at -r $AT_JOB_NR } ################# adds a text to the output files, rar, 25.04.99 ########## AddText() { echo "<p>$*</p>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "$*\n" >> $TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP } ###################################################################### # end of the html document ###################################################################### close_html() { echo "<hr>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE echo "</P><P>\n<hr><FONT COLOR=blue>Created "$DATEFULL" with " $VERSION " by <A HREF="mailto:t505414@online.no?subject=$VERSION_">Trond E. Aune, SysAdm</A></P></font>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "</P><P>\n<FONT COLOR=blue>Based on the origional script by <A HREF="mailto:Ralph_Roth@hp.com?subject=$VERSION_">Ralph Roth</A></P></font>" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "<hr><center>\ <A HREF="http://come.to/cfg2html"> [ Download cfg2html from external home page ] </b></A></center></P><hr></BODY></HTML>\n" >> $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP cat $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP >>$HTML_OUTFILE cat $TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP >> $TEXT_OUTFILE rm $HTML_OUTFILE_TEMP $TEXT_OUTFILE_TEMP echo "\n\nCreated "$DATEFULL" with " $VERSION " (c) 1998-2000 by Trond Eirik Aune, SysAdm \n" >> $TEXT_OUTFILE } ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Hauptprogramm mit Aufruf der obigen Funktionen und deren Parametern ###################################################################### ####################### M A I N #################################### ###################################################################### line ## ## ## Bug corrected on display output files, no $PWD ## must be used here ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey echo "Starting "$VERSION" on a "`uname -rsi`" box" echo "Path to Cfg2Html "$0 echo "Path to plugins "$PLUGINS echo "HTML Output File "$HTML_OUTFILE echo "Text Output File "$TEXT_OUTFILE echo "Errors logged to "$ERROR_LOG echo "Started at "$DATEFULL echo "Problem If cfg2html hangs on Hardware, press twice ENTER" echo " or Crtl-D. Then check or update your Diagnostics!" echo "WARNING USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! :-))" #echo "License Freeware" line logger "Start of $VERSION" open_html inc_heading_level ###################################################################### if [ "$CFG_SYSTEM" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Solaris/System" inc_heading_level exec_command "hostname" "Hostname" exec_command "uname -n" "Host alias" exec_command "uname -sr" "OS version" exec_command "uname -mi" "Hardware type" exec_command "prtconf | awk '/^Memory size:/ { print $3 }'" "Memory size" exec_command "echo 'CPU's:' $ANTPROS of type $TYPE $CPU $SPEED MHz" "CPU's" exec_command "uptime;sar 1 9" "Uptime, Load & SAR" exec_command "sar -b 1 9" "Buffer Activity" dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_SYSTEM wrapper ########################################################################### # Kernel Information ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_KERNEL" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Kernel" inc_heading_level exec_command "modinfo" "Loaded kernel modules" exec_command "sysdef -D" "System peripheral device driver" ## ## we want also display the /etc/system file ## it is important ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey if [ -e "/etc/system" ] ; then exec_command "cat /etc/system" "Parameter in /etc/system" exec_command "ls -l /etc/system*" "Boot Types of /etc/system" fi #for i in `sysdef -d |cut -f2 -d"'"` #do #echo "System pheriphial: $i" #sysdef $i #exec_command "sysdef $i 2>&1" "System peripheral $i" #done dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_KERNEL wrapper ###################################################################### # Harware Information ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_HARDWARE" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Hardware" inc_heading_level exec_command "/usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v" "Hardware (prtdiag)" exec_command "prtconf -v" "Hardware (prtconf)" #exec_command "sysinfo -class Device" "Devices" dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_HARDWARE wrapper ###################################################################### # Filesystem Information ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_FILESYS" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Filesystems, Dump- and Swapconfiguration" inc_heading_level ## ## we want to display the boot types ## of vfstab too ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey if [ -e "/etc/vfstab" ] ; then exec_command "ls -l /etc/vfstab*" "Boot Types of /etc/vfstab" fi exec_command "df -k" "Filesystems and Usage" if [ -f /etc/exports ] ; then exec_command "cat /etc/exports|grep -v '^#'" "NFS Filesystems" fi exec_command "swap -l" "Swap" exec_command "vmstat -s" "Kernel paging events" dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_FILESYS wrapper ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_DISKS" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Disks" inc_heading_level disklist () { format <<-EOF | grep "^ *[0-9][0-9]*\. " | awk '{ print $2 }' EOF } verdisk () { format -d $1 <<-EOF | sed '1,/format> /d' | sed 's/format> //g' verify inquiry quit EOF } for i in `disklist` do exec_command "verdisk $i 2>&1" "Disk $i" done dec_heading_level ## if [ -e "/opt/EMCpower/bin/powermt" ] ; then paragraph "EMC" inc_heading_level EMCver=`pkginfo -l EMCpower | grep -i version:` exec_command "echo $EMCver" "EMCpower Version" ## ## if there are EMC Disks display them with inq ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey if [ -e "/opt/emc/SInquiry/V4.1/bin/inq" ] ; then exec_command "/opt/emc/SInquiry/V4.1/bin/inq" "EMC Disks Inquire" fi ## ## if EMCpower is installed display the powermt output ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey if [ -e "/opt/EMCpower/bin/powermt" ] ; then exec_command "/opt/EMCpower/bin/powermt display dev=all" "EMC Power Display" fi dec_heading_level fi ## if [ -e "/usr/sbin/metadb" ] ; then paragraph "SDS" inc_heading_level ## ## if there are Solstice Disks Suite Devices ## we display the configuration also ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey if [ -e "/usr/sbin/metadb" ] ; then exec_command "/usr/sbin/metadb -i" "Status SDS Metadb" fi ## ## if there are Solstice Disk Suite Devices ## we display the Device configuration ## 30jan2003 it233 U.Frey if [ -e "/usr/sbin/metastat" ] ; then exec_command "/usr/sbin/metastat -t" "Status SDS Devices" fi dec_heading_level fi fi #terminate CFG_DISK wrapper ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_NETWORK" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Network Settings" inc_heading_level exec_command "ifconfig -a" "Ifconfig" exec_command "netstat -an" "list of all sockets" exec_command "netstat -in" "list of all IP addresses" exec_command "netstat -rvn" "list of all routing table entries" exec_command "cat /etc/resolv.conf" "Resolv.conf" exec_command "ypwhich 2>&1" "Ypwhich" exec_command "domainname" "domainname" exec_command "nslookup `hostname`" "Nslookup hostname" dec_heading_level fi #terminate CFG_NETWORK wrapper ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_PRINTER" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Printers" inc_heading_level exec_command "lpstat -s" "Configured printers" exec_command "lpstat -d" "Default printer" exec_command "lpstat -t" "Status printers" dec_heading_level fi #terminate CFG_PRINTER wrapper ########################################################################## ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_CRON" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Cron and At" inc_heading_level exec_command $PLUGINS/crontab_collect.sh "Crontab and AT scheduler" dec_heading_level fi #terminate CFG_CRON wrapper ########################################################################## ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_PASSWD" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Password and Group" inc_heading_level exec_command "cat /etc/passwd | sed 's&:.*:\([-0-9][0-9]*:[-0-9][0-9]*:\)&:x:\1&'" "/etc/passwd" exec_command "pwck 2>&1" "Errors found in passwd" exec_command "cat /etc/group" "/etc/group" exec_command "grpck 2>&1" "Errors found in group" dec_heading_level fi #terminate CFG_PASSWD wrapper ###################################################################### # patch statistics ###################################################################### if [ "$CFG_SOFTWARE" != "no" ] then paragraph "Software" inc_heading_level #list_pkg () { #pkginfo -l | awk '/^ *PKGINST:/{print} #/^ *NAME:/{print} #/^ *CATEGORY:/{print} #/^ *VERSION:/{print} #/^$/{print}' | #sed '/^ *PKGINST:/{s/^ *PKGINST: *//; s/$/;/;} #/^ *NAME:/{s/^ *NAME: *//; s/$/;/;} #/^ *CATEGORY:/{s/^ *CATEGORY: *//; s/,.*//; s/$/;/;} #/^ *VERSION:/{s/^ *VERSION: *//;}' | #sed -n '/./{ #h #:top #n #/./H #/./b top #g #s/\n//g #p #}' | #sed 's/^\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\)$/\3;\1;\4; \2 ;/' #} #exec_command "list_pkg | sed 's/ ;$//' | tr ';' '\011' | expand -t1,12,26,60" "Filesets installed " exec_command "pkginfo " "Filesets installed " exec_command "showrev -p" "Patches installed " dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_SOFTWARE wrapper ###################################################################### # files statistics ###################################################################### if [ "$CFG_FILES" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Files" inc_heading_level exec_command "cat /etc/inittab" "inittab" files() { ls /etc/hosts ls /etc/rc2.d/* ls /etc/rc3.d/* } COUNT=1 for FILE in `files` do exec_command "cat ${FILE}" "echo ${FILE}" COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` done dec_heading_level fi #terminates CFG_FILES wrapper ########################################################################## if [ "$CFG_APPLICATIONS" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "Applications And Subsystems" ### COMMON ############################################################### if [ "$CFG_DISKSUITE" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph inc_heading_level paragraph "Disksuite" inc_heading_level if [ -f /usr/sbin/metastat ] ; then ## ## awk does not work in the comand below ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey ##DSVER=`pkginfo -l SUNWmdu |grep -i version: | awk'{ print }'` DSVER=`pkginfo -l SUNWmdu |grep -i version:` exec_command "echo $DSVER" "Disksuite Version" for i in metadb metastat do ## ## wrong path to metastat ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey exec_command "/usr/sbin/$i" "$i" done fi dec_heading_level fi #terminate $CFG_DISKSUITE wrapper ## ## we want to display HP OpenVantage Operations configurations ## 31Jan2003 it233 FRU U.Frey if [ -e /opt/OV/bin/OpC/utils/opcdcode ] ; then paragraph "HP OpenView" inc_heading_level if [ -e /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opcinfo ] ; then exec_command "cat /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opcinfo" "HP OpenView Info, Version" fi if [ -e /var/opt/OV/conf/OpC/monitor ] ; then exec_command "/opt/OV/bin/OpC/utils/opcdcode /var/opt/OV/conf/OpC/monitor | grep DESCRIPTION" "HP OpenView Configuration MONITOR" fi if [ -e /var/opt/OV/conf/OpC/le ] ; then exec_command "/opt/OV/bin/OpC/utils/opcdcode /var/opt/OV/conf/OpC/le | grep DESCRIPTION" "HP OpenView Configuration LOGGING" fi dec_heading_level fi ## we want to display Veritas netbackup configurations ## 31Jan2003 it233 FRU U.Frey if [ -e /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf ] ; then paragraph "Veritas Netbackup" inc_heading_level if [ -e /usr/openv/netbackup/version ] ; then exec_command "cat /usr/openv/netbackup/version" "Veritas Netbackup Version" fi exec_command "cat /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf" "Veritas Netbackup Configuration" dec_heading_level fi ### VxVM ################################################################### #if [ -x /usr/sbin/vxdg ] ; then dec_heading_level paragraph "Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM `vmsa -V`)" inc_heading_level exec_command "vmsa_server -V; vmsa_server -q" "VxVM Version" exec_command "vxdisk list" "VxVM Disk Overview" exec_command $PLUGINS/VxVM_collect.sh "VxVM Collector" #fi ### VXVA ################################################################### if [ "$CFG_VXVA" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "VXVA" inc_heading_level if [ -f /opt/SUNWvxva/bin/vxva ]; then for i in `vxdg list |awk '{print ($1)}'|grep -v NAME` do exec_command "echo $i" "volume group" exec_command "vxdg list $i" "Content of $i" done exec_command "vxprint" "Vxprint" exec_command "vxdg free" "vxdg free" fi dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_VXVA wrapper ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_VXVM" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "VxVM" inc_heading_level if [ -f /usr/sbin/vxdg ]; then VXVMVER=`pkginfo -l VRTSvxvm |grep -i version: | awk '{ print $2 }'` exec_command "echo $VXVMVER" "VxVM version" exec_command "vxdisk list" "vxdisk list" for i in `vxdg list |awk '{print ($1)}'|grep -v NAME` do exec_command "vxdg list $i" "$i" done exec_command "vxprint" "Vxprint" exec_command "vxdg free" "vxdg free" exec_command "vxlicense -p" "vxlicense -p" for i in `ls /etc/vx/elm/*` do exec_command "cat $i" "content of $i" done fi dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_VXVM wrapper ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_VXFS" != "no" ] then # else skip to next paragraph paragraph "VxFS" inc_heading_level pkginfo |grep VRTSvxfs > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then VXFSVER=`pkginfo -l VRTSvxfs |grep -i version: | awk '{ print $2 }'` exec_command "echo $VXFSVER" "VxFS version" fi dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_VXVM wrapper ### Oracle #################################### #if [ -f /etc/oratab ] ; then dec_heading_level paragraph "Oracle" inc_heading_level # ### ## grep -v -E does not work on Sun ## 30jan2003 it233 U.Frey exec_command "cat /etc/oratab | grep -v '^#|^$|N'" "Configured Oracle Databases" ## ## we want each Sid displayed with title for DB in `grep ':' /etc/oratab|grep -v '#'|grep -v 'N'` do Ora_Home=`echo $DB | awk -F: '{print $2}'` Sid=`echo $DB | awk -F: '{print $1}'` Init=${Ora_Home}/dbs/init${Sid}.ora exec_command "cat $Init" "Oracle Instance $Sid" done ## ## each Sid displayed without title ## 30Jan2003 it233 U.Frey ##exec_command $PLUGINS/oracle_collect.sh "Oracle Databases" #fi ########################################################################### if [ "$(grep 'informix' /etc/passwd)" != "" ] ; then dec_heading_level paragraph "Informix" inc_heading_level exec_command "su - informix -c \"onstat -l\"" "Configured Informix Databases" fi ########################################################################### if [ "$CFG_SAP" = "yes" ] then # else skip to next paragraph if [ -d /usr/sap ] ; then dec_heading_level paragraph "SAP R3" inc_heading_level exec_command $PLUGINS/get_sap.sh "SAP R3 Configuration" [ -f /etc/sapconf ] && exec_command "cat /etc/sapconf" "Local configured SAP R3 Instances" fi fi # terminates CFG_SAP wrapper dec_heading_level dec_heading_level fi # terminates CFG_APPLICATIONS wrapper close_html ########################################################################### logger "End of $VERSION" echo "\n" line rm -f core > /dev/null ########## remove the error.log if it has size zero ####################### [ ! -s "$ERROR_LOG" ] && rm -f $ERROR_LOG 2> /dev/null if [ "$1" != "-x" ] then exit 0 fi _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list sunmanagers@sunmanagers.org http://www.sunmanagers.org/mailman/listinfo/sunmanagersReceived on Fri Jun 6 02:25:46 2003
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