Although I received about a dozen responses. None of the suggested sites had the information I was looking for. These were: as suggested by Mike, Siva, Tom, Musa as suggested by Musa Sun's System Handbook at sunsolve as suggested by Morton, Ryan, przemol, Pablo Google / EBay Search as suggested by Bob, Timothy (The EBay search did find one of them) Even Justin from Sun said he couldn't find at least the first part number internally... Bottom line is that I guess there is no comprehensive list anywhere although sunstuff seems like it's the best so far. Anyway.. without further delay.. here's the list: 600-3674-01 SPARCserver 5 600-3387-02 SPARCserver 20 603-2405-01* Ultra 1 600-4385-01 Ultra 1 Creator 600-3942-01 Ultra 1 600-4538-01 Ultra 2 Creator 3D 600-3776-01 Ultra 2 Creator 3D 595-3372-02 SPARC Storage Array As for how I finally got these... physically rummaging through storage. Regards, Peter -----Original Message----- I have a some older Sun equipment part numbers and need to find out what they actually are. I'm looking for a resource(s) where I can look these up. 600-3674-01 600-3387-02 603-2405-01* 600-4385-01 600-3942-01 600-4538-01 600-3776-01 595-3372-02 I'm not having much luck. Thanks, Peter _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Thu May 15 10:32:36 2003
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