SUMMARY: finding DEVICE ID and INODE of a file using truss and ls tat - why a difference?

From: Largent, Aaron <>
Date: Wed May 07 2003 - 15:34:07 EDT
many thanks to David Markowitz, Casper Dik, and Daubigne Sebastien!


why does "pfiles" report a device ID of 156,2001
while "truss" reports a device ID of 0x027007D1


0x027007D1 --- hex-to-bin --->  00000010011100000000011111010001

/usr/include/sys/mkdev.h defines that the number of bits
for a Major is 14, while a Minor is 18, thus:

00000010011100 000000011111010001 == 156,2001
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Received on Wed May 7 15:34:01 2003

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