First let me thank: Mike Bruno McClark Darren Dunham Tim Villa SreenivasaRao Vadalasetty SteinAxt Dominic Clarke German, Vinnie Williams, Mario Michael Schulte Mark Andrews AP for responding to my question. Many of them said the problem is /var needs to be mounted much before the other file partitions like /space is mounted but I am trying to create a var directory on /space and make a symbolic from /var to /space/var by which var is not accessible until /space is mounted. One way to overcome this problem is to make /space mount much before anything else is mounted but it may cause some problems. Some said make a partition for /var from /space so that /var can be mounted without any dependencies. But the way I did was changing the name of /space to /var. That way /var is instantly available and I can make use of the the disk space on /var for storing any other indexes by making symbolic links. Once again I want to thank all the people for their valuable suggestions. My original question was: I have a solaris 2.6 Ultra Enterprise 2 box with a couple of internal disks and an external disk set. As /var keeps growing, I decided to make use of the external disks. I raided and created file system and mounted the meta device on /space. Now I created a directory called var on /space and copied all the contents of /var onto /space/var in single user mode. Renamed /var to /var.old and made a soft link from /space/var to var on /. But for some reason when I reboot the machine after these changes I get the following error: INIT: Cannot create /var/adm/utmp or /var/adm/utmpx INIT: failed write of utmpx entry:" " INIT: failed write of utmpx entry:" " INIT: SINGLE USER MODE Type Ctrl-d to proceed with normal startup, (or give root password for system maintenance): I double checked to make sure that /space has rw permissions, I used the -p option to copy with permissions but still I am unable to understand why the system is unable to access the var link on /. Any idea where I am making a mistake? Any suggestions? I will summarize the solution. I am able to boot once I revert back to the inital settings without any fsck problems. Aravind _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Wed Apr 23 17:18:59 2003
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