SUMMARY how to check scripts within a package

From: W.L.Alsemgeest <>
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 01:58:32 EST
First thanks to:
Jef Eliott, Alan Pae, David Foster, Jeff Putsch, Trucks Jesse, Jon Godfrey,
Bertrand_Hutin, Gerard Henry, Todd Urie, Reginald Beavers, Dik Casper, Eric
van de Meerakker, Walter Heukels and John Riddoch.

Original question:
If a application builder gives me a software package, I want to look into
the pre/post instal/remove scripts. When the package is trasformed into a
transport file (.pkg file) I can not look into the scripts anymore.
Is there a way to look into the scripts of a .pkg file?

To this question I received two differend awnsers.
You can use the pkgtrans command to turn the datastream package
pkgtrans [-s] <package-name>.pkg /tmp
After this there is a regular package (directory structure) left so it is
then posible to go to de scripts and 'view' them.

pkgadd -d file.pkg -s spool to extract in spool
pkgadd -s <spool-directory> -d <yourfile.pkg>   [pkginst]
pkginst is optional
Write the package into the directory spool instead of installing it.

Thanks to all the persons that replied to my question.

Wim Alsemgeest


Wim Alsemgeest
Unix  Specialist iPlanet

Phone +31 70 45 22 961
Fax +31 70 45 22 810

sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 21 02:01:59 2003

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