This isn't much of a summary. . . the original poster from long ago responded that they never solved the problem and eventually got an RMA from Sun for a new V100. I had the unit shipped back to me and, upon reboot, the server was rock steady and has been up for several days now. So, I guess proximity to a Sysadmin and not being at a remote location was the solution this time. Another suggestion from Julie Peers was to turn off the diagnostics to see if this was causing some problems. She also gave a pointer to the pdf that explains this which I will reproduce (along with part of her post) here. . . :=Here is where you get the guide from: := := := :=You need to set bootmode to no diags . :=This explains how to skip_diag. :=See if that helps! Here's my original post: On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Dylan Northrup wrote: :=I searched through the old sunmanagers archives and noticed a questions :=similar to this, but no answer for it. I've got a Netra X1 that spews :=errors when it boots up. Every once in a while it'll get through an entire :=boot, but after 10 minutes or so it'll start spewing errors. Any :=indications of what's wrong would be very much appreciated. := :=Here's some sample spewed output: := := :=LOMlite starting up. := :=CPU type: H8/3437S, mode 3 :=Ram-test: 2048 bytes OK :=Initialising i2c bus: OK :=Searching for EEPROMs: 50(cfg) :=I2c eeprom @50: OK :=i2c bus speed code 01... OK :=Probing for lm80s: none :=Probing for lm75s: 48 :=Initialising lm75 @48: OK :=System functions: PSUs fans breakers rails gpio temps host CLI ebus clock :=Power restored := := :=LOMlite console := :=lom> := :=LOM event: +0h0m0s LOM booted := :=lom> := :=LOM event: +0h0m0s host power on := :=peed = [Speed Jumper = 7] 400 MHz := :=Baud rate is 9600 := :=8 Data bits, 1 stop bits, no parity (configured from lom) := := :=Firmware CORE Sun Microsystems, Inc. := :=@(#) core 1.0.1 2001/02/19 09:55 := :=Hardware Power ON := :=Verifying NVRAM...Done := :=Bootmode is 0 := :=MCR0 = 16a0b004 := :=MCR1 = c0804000 := :=MCR2 = ff0bbbb := :=MCR3 = 3ff := :=Ecache Size = 256 KB := :=NVRAM Test := :=Icache Test := :=Dcache Test := :=MMU Test := :=Ecache Tag Addr Test := :=Ecache RAM Addr Test := :=Clearing E$ Tags Done := :=Clearing I/D TLBs Done := :=Probing memory := :=Done := :=MEMBASE=0x60000000 := :=MEMSIZE=0x10000000 := :=Data Line Test := :=Core Memory Test := := :=Processor Speed = 400 MHz := :=Baud rate is 9600 := :=8 Data bits, 1 stop bits, no parity (configured from lom) := := :=Firmware CORE Sun Microsystems, Inc. := :=@(#) core 1.0.1 2001/02/19 09:55 := :=Software Power ON := :=Verifying NVRAM...Done := :=Bootmode is 0 := :=MCR0 = 16a0b004 := :=MCR1 = c0804000 := :=MCR2 = ff0bbbb := :=MCR3 = 3ff := :=Ecache Size = 256 KB := :=Clearing E$ Tags Done := :=Clearing I/D TLBs Done := :=Probing memory := :=Done := :=MEMBASE=0x60000000 := :=MEMSIZE=0x10000000 := :=Clearing memory...Done := :=Turing ON MMUs Done := :=Copy ROM to RAM (148440 bytes) Done := :=Orig PC=0x1fff0007efc New PC=0xf0f07f54 := := :=********************************************** := :=PSTATE=0000000000000414 TBA=00000000f0f00000 DCU Control=000000000000000f := :=********************************************** := :=PSTATE=0000000000000414 TBA=00000000f0f00000 DCU Control=000000000000000f := :=********************************************** := :=PSTATE=0000000000000414 TBA=00000000f0f00000 DCU 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mailing list := := -- Dylan Northrup Unix System Administrator EDS Automated Operations _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Thu Dec 12 15:42:24 2002
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