Thanks to everyone who replied. However, Scott Howard hit the nail on the head. Basically you can't setup a jumpstart server via nfs. I had to setup a jumpstart server to a machine that had a cdrom drive on it. Then I used tar(GNU not solaris) and moved the jumpstart directory over to the Netra that I wanted to be the jumpstart server. I don't have any definitive answers why an nfs install wouldn't work for setting up a jumpstart server, but if I come across it, I'll pass it onto the group. Thanks again to all who responded. The list was too long to include here. Randy Romero -----Original Post Below----------------------------- Gurus, I'm having several problems with a new jumpstart server I have built/am building. The new jumpstart server is a NetraT1 without a cdrom. I nfs mounted another server that had disks1 and disks2 copied to the hard disk. I then ran the setup_install_server script over the nfs mount and everything seemed to go smoothly. However, the machine I am jumpstarting will not see the sysidcfg file and I have used the -p option for add_install_client. The sysidcfg file is from the old jumpstart server so I know the configuration is ok. The jumpstart server is also the boot server and the test machine is on the same subnet. The old jumpstart server has been turned off just as a precaution. Here's the syntax I'm using and output from the share/dfshares command. ./add_install_client -p genesis:/jumpstart/sysidcfg -c genesis:/jumpstart -s genesis:/jumpstart/OS/Sol8_2-02/Solaris_8 jumpman SUNW,UltraAX-i2 root@genesis:/jumpstart# share - /jumpstart ro,anon=0 "" root@genesis:/jumpstart# dfshares RESOURCE SERVER ACCESS TRANSPORT genesis:/jumpstart genesis - - The jumpstart seems to begin normally but because it doesn't see the sysidcfg file for whatever reason I get the standard install prompt of language, etc, etc. I decided, what the heck, and went to manually test the jumpstart. I get the normal prompts up until it is supposed to begin the install. It then dumps me to the prompt. System identification is completed. cat: cannot open /cdrom/.cdtoc cat: cannot open /cdrom/.cdtoc expr: syntax error expr: syntax error cat: cannot open /cdrom/.cdtoc expr: syntax error Starting Solaris installation program... Searching for JumpStart directory... Using rules.ok from x.x.x.x:/jumpstart. Checking rules.ok file... Using profile: AllServers Using finish script: Executing JumpStart preinstall phase... Searching for SolStart directory... Checking rules.ok file... Using begin script: install_begin Using finish script: patch_finish Executing SolStart preinstall phase... Executing begin script "install_begin"... Begin script install_begin execution completed. ERROR: Could not load the media (/cdrom) # Any ideas on why this could be happening? Why is it checking the rules.ok file twice? I really could use help on this as I'm on a bit of a crunch to get this new server operational because the old server can't handle the load being thrown at it anymore. Will summerize. Thanks in advance. Randy Romero _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Tue Apr 9 15:05:19 2002
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