SUMMARY - What is starting this process?

From: Jeff Wellens <>
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 17:58:56 EST
H ere is the summary for this problem.

To disable for a specific user:   (Thanks to Tom Knox)
cd to the users home directory,
then type:
mkdir .solregis
cd .solregis
touch disable

To disable for all users:  (Thanks to Dev Null)

Go to /etc/default/
Make file called solregis with the line

I used the specific user option and it worked great.


I am having a hard time determining why the program 'hotjava' is starting
every time this user signs into OpenWindows.  Here is the
ps list of the java process.  It is being started by the Xsession process.
What can I modify to get hotjava to NOT run when
they sign into OpenWindows?  I have closed hotjava, then saved workspace in
OpenWindows, but it still keeps coming up.

 ps -ef | grep 2841

     cjf  2841  2839  0 07:57:03 ?        0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/dt/bin/Xsession
     cjf  2851  2841  0 07:57:04 ?        0:00 /usr/openwin/bin/fbconsole
     cjf  2891  2841  0 07:57:05 pts/2    0:00 /usr/dt/bin/sdt_shell -c
unset DT;       DISPLAY=:0;             /usr/dt/bin/dt
     cjf  2877  2841  0 07:57:05 ?        0:09
/usr/java/bin/sparc/native_threads/java -classpath
    root  5524  5506  0 11:29:10 term/a   0:00 grep 2841

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Wellens

Jeff Wellens
Publishing Business Systems
Technical Support Analyst
651-634-9218   Ext. 418
sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 2 16:59:18 2002

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