Sorry for the late submission...
Original Question:
1)I would like to monitor a file and keep track of WHO execute it and WHEN
it is being executed. Can I do it in Solaris without any 3rd party tools?
If not, what 3rd party tools should I use? How do I do so?
2) In addition, is it possible for me to send an alert to a remote server
that the file is being used (with the identity of the user and the time)?
Do I set this up in the syslog.conf file? If yes, what's the source and
facility levels I should specify?
1) Yes, most suggested the use of a wrapper script over the file that I
wish to monitor. Best answer came from Jay Lessert (see below). Others
suggested the audit facility, sudo and LSOF (to check if the file is
2) Yes, I set this up in the syslog.conf file. Again, the best answer comes
from Jay Lessert (keep it up, Jay!)
Lastly, thanks to: Jay Lessert, David Foster, Andrew Brenann, Erin Jones,
David Evans, Peter Gutmann, Keith McCabe, Gary Jenson, Jeff Lightner, Marco
Shaw, Doug Winter, JCJ6.
Thanks gurus!!!
>From Jay Lessert:
1) Only by using a wrapper script. Suppose you want to monitor something
# mv /usr/bin/renice /usr/bin/renice.exe
# cat > /usr/bin/renice
# put monitoring stuff here
exec $0.exe $@
# chmod 755 /usr/bin/renice
The "monitoring stuff" can be anything you want. You can send e-mail if
2) You can do something like:
# cat > /usr/bin/renice
# monitoring stuff
logger -p user.info $0
exec $0.exe $@
# chmod 755 /usr/bin/renice
Your client syslog.conf looks like:
user.info @serverhost
and the server's syslog.conf looks like:
user.info /var/log/file_access.log
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