Special Thanks to these guys pointing me the right direction:
David Robillard [drobilla@matrox.com]
Thomas Knox [knoxth@cch.com]
Gerardo Rivera [grivera@pro-cibernetica.com.co]
Rigoberto Treviņo Mendoza [rigoberto.trevino@corp.terra.com.mx]
Stephen Lee [lee@mailhost.sju.edu]
Here is the original question:
I'm having problems installing Solaris 2.6 on an Ultra-10 with a 440MHZ CPU.
Sun is aware on this situation, I'm working with them on the problem but
nothing so far.
They asked me to do the following
Ok> setenv auto-boot? false
Ok> reset-all
Then machine will kind of reset itself and comes back to the "Ok>" prompt
at which point I'm doing: Ok> boot cdrom
and it comes back with the following message:
Bad magic number on disk label package
Evaluating boot cdrom
Can not open boot device
The reason why I'm getting the above message is because Sun asked me to
insert the
"Software Supplement for the Solaris 2.6 5/98 Operating Environment"
Has anyone have this problem before, how did you solve it?
Thanks in advance,
Vinnie German
To install Solaris 2.6 on an Ultra-10 with a processor speed of 419mhz or
faster processor you need the
following cd "Operating Environment Installation CD" which is not the one I
was using which is
labeled "Software Supplement for the Solaris 2.6 5/98 Operating Environment"
So, once you install the "Operating Environment Installation CD" and boot
up just follow instruction
and you will be ok.
Thanks again,
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