Original question:
> I have a new problem. I recently loaded Solaris 8 on a SS20. Since
> then, under CDE, if I hit the compose key, its LED stays on even after
> I'm done with my compose key use. Hitting it again does not turn it
> off. It works fine, it's only the LED behavior which is wrong.
Thanks to:
Michael Neef <Michael.Neef@neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
Lefteris Skapetis <skapetis@intranet.gr>
Both of whom have also seen this, and have found a work-around:
The Compose LED goes out as soon as one opens a new dtterm or
xterm and types 1 character.
Apparently Sun hasn't logged any bug reports on this, and has no patch.
David L. Markowitz Director, UNIX Software
David.Markowitz@litronic.com Litronic Inc
http://members.home.net/rttrek http://www.litronic.com/
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