Hello managers,
i got no response,
but 8 automatic "vacation"-replies...
my question was:
>Hello managers,
>in the meantime i'm sitting behind/in front of a ncd-Xterminal
>with a cherry-US-keyboard (G83?; 101 keys)
>My question:
>How do i enter those composed characters (let's say within vi)
>without the SUN or DEC-compose key?
>On my Linux-box this works with the right Control-Key.
>What is the easiest way from Xterminal in a window from/on a sun (ultra60)
>under solaris 7? Do i have to experiment with key-bindings?
With regards,
Bernt Christandl
-- ***** Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik ***** Bernt Christandl Tel: +49 / 89 / 3299-3232 Postfach 1523 Fax: +49 / 89 / 3299-3235 Karl-Schwarzschildstrasse 1 85740 Garching ******** Email: beb@mpa-garching.mpg.de ********
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