Special thanks to:
Warren Vanichuk from Warren Vanichuk [wvanichuk@team.look.ca]
Michael Salehi from Xerox
Right bellow is Warren answer and Michael also pointed to the same thing:
The following command can be used to remount an already mounted filesystem
mount -F ufs -o rw,remount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s? /usr
Further options you can specify during mounting, including an explanation of
the rw, and remount options can be found in the "mount_ufs(1M)" man page.
Original question:
I have an Sparc5 running Solaris 2.5.1 and last friday this machine went
so yesterday I ran fsck on it and it came up ok. But now the "/usr" file
system is on a read-only state I can not copy anything into that partition
is there anyway to change it to a normal state?
Thanks in advance for your consideration,
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