SUMMARY: seconds since Jan 1970 00:00:00

From: Sugan Moodley (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 07:34:11 CDT

Thanks to:

Charles Seeger
Bryan Mawhinney
Xaniotakis Vaggelis
Scott D. Yelich
Gerhard den Hollander
Neil Clifford
David Mitchell
Michael F Gordon
Delaney, Ray (FUSA)

My original question was:


I was wondering if there was a way, without coding, that one can calculate the seconds since 1 Jan 1970, 00:00:00 till present. This is preferably on Solaris 2.6 I've checked the date command but the GNU version only supports this.

Most replies were that I should use perl(_UNFORTUNATELY_ not allowed on this
production box):

 perl -e 'print time, "\n"'

However Charles Seeger had THIS to say:

On Solaris you can use truss like this (sh/ksh syntax):

        set -- `truss -t time date 2>&1 >/dev/null`
        while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do shift ; done

Or, if you have perl:

        TIME=`perl -e '$val=time; print -- "$val\n"'`

More portable, though more complicated, sh and ksh versions:

        set -- `env LC_ALL=C LC_TIME=C LANG=C date -u '+%Y %j %H %M %S'`
        DAYS=`expr 365 \* \( $1 - 1970 \) + \( $1 - 1969 \) / 4 + $2 - 1`
        # XXX This will begin to fail in 2100 A.D. unless the following line
        # XXX that adjusts for 100 and 400 years periods is uncommented.
        #[ $1 -gt 2100 ] && DAYS=`expr $DAYS - \( $1 - 2000 \) / 100 \
        # + \( $1 - 2000 \) / 400`
        TIME=`expr $5 + 60 \* \( $4 + 60 \* \( $3 + 24 \* $DAYS \) \)`

        set -- $(env LC_ALL=C LC_TIME=C LANG=C date -u '+%Y %j %H %M %S')
        DAYS=$(( 365*($1 - 1970) + ($1 - 1969)/4 + $2 -1 ))
        # This will begin to fail in 2100 A.D. unless the following line
        # that adjusts for 100 and 400 year periods is uncommented.
        #(( $1 >= 2100 )) && DAYS=$(( $DAYS - ($1-2000)/100 + ($1-2000)/400 ))
        TIME=$(( $5 + 60*($4 + 60*($3 + 24*$DAYS)) ))

FWIW, I originally figured out the sh version about five years ago to
set the LASTCHG field in the shadow password file during jumpstarts.


Sugan Moodley
The Internet Solutions, Rosebank, Gauteng, South Africa.
+27 11 283 5500

The mosquito is the state bird of New Jersey. -- Andy Warhol

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