SUMMARY: How to change video resolution

From: Vinnie Chanthavong (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 12:51:50 CDT

Special thanks go to David Robillard, Joe Muldoon and many that I can't name
here for their quick response . My origianl question was:

I have Ultra5 running Solaris 2.6 with onboard video card. How do I change video
resolution on CDE or Openwindow?

The solution is to use m64config command. I was able to do it from window
terminal. Here is how I do it.

# m64config -res 1280x1024x75 <cr> This will set resolution to 1280x1024.

After I issue the command I exit out from cde or openwindow and log back in

Thanks to sun-managers


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