SUMMARY (2): Lightweight secure remote tape backups

From: John Horne (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 03:50:10 CST

On 13-Mar-00 at 11:32:12 John Horne wrote:
> Thanks should go to Dave Foster for the backup scripts he sent me as well.
I received a few requests for the backup scripts, and Dave kindly said it was
okay to distribute them. So I have attached them to this message.


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
Finger for PGP key:

# BACKUP_SYSTEMS 6-25-99 DSFoster
# Script to automate the backup of Sun systems within the BIAL.
# Uses RSH to invoke "system_dump" utility on remote systems,
# and calls this script directly for local system.

# Host definitions and tapes-per-host

set BIAL_HOSTS = ( bial1 bial5 bial6 bial7 bial8 ) # All hosts to be backed
set TAPES_PER_HOST = ( 1 1 2 1 2 ) # Dump tapes per host
set TAPE_HOST = bial5 # Host with tape drive

set LOCAL_HOST = `/usr/bin/hostname` # Local host
set BIN_DIR = /usr/local/bin # Location of scripts (SYSTEM_DUM

set BACKUP_TYPE = "Full" # Default to full level-0 dumps

while ( $#argv )
    switch ( $argv[1] )
        case "-h":
            echo " "
            echo " Usage: $0 [-i] [-r rhost]"
            echo " "
            echo " -i : Incremental backups for all systems"
            echo " -r : Use tape drive connected to rhost (default is $TAPE_
            echo " "
            exit 0
        case "-i": # Perform incremental dumps
            set BACKUP_TYPE = "Incremental"
        case "-r": # Remote tape host specified
            set $TAPE_HOST = $argv[1]

# Backup each host

@ hosts = 1

while ( $#BIAL_HOSTS != 0 )

    if ( $BACKUP_TYPE == "Incremental" ) then
        @ tapes = 1 # Incremental dumps so just one tap
        @ incr = 1
        @ tapes = ${TAPES_PER_HOST[1]} # Number of tapes to dump
        @ incr = 1

    # Backup each tape for current host

    while ( $incr <= $tapes )
        echo " "
        set prompt_user = "No"
        if ( $BACKUP_TYPE == "Incremental" ) then
            if ( $hosts == 1 ) then
                echo "Put tape labelled [ Incremental System Dumps: All Systems
] in tape drive"
                set dump_level = 5
                set prompt_user = "Yes"
            echo "Put tape labelled [ System Dumps: $BIAL_HOSTS[1] # $incr ] in
tape drive"
            set dump_level = 0
            set prompt_user = "Yes"
        if ( $prompt_user == "Yes" ) then
            set input = "retry"
               while ( $input == "retry" )
                   echo -n "Perform these system dumps? (y/n) "
                set input = $<
                switch ( $input )
                    case [yY]:
                    case [nN]:
                        goto NEXT_TAPE
                        set input = retry
            echo " "

        if ( $BACKUP_TYPE == "Incremental" ) then
            set host_modifier = "-m all"
        else if ( $incr > 1 ) then
            set host_modifier = "-m $incr"
            set host_modifier = ""

        if ( ${BIAL_HOSTS[1]} == $LOCAL_HOST ) then
            echo "$BIN_DIR/system_dump $host_modifier -r $TAPE_HOST $dump_level"
            $BIN_DIR/system_dump $host_modifier -r $TAPE_HOST $dump_level
            echo "rsh ${BIAL_HOSTS[1]} $BIN_DIR/system_dump $host_modifier -r $T
APE_HOST $dump_level"
            rsh ${BIAL_HOSTS[1]} $BIN_DIR/system_dump $host_modifier -r $TAPE_HO
ST $dump_level

        @ incr += 1

    # Get next elements in wordlists

    @ hosts += 1
    shift BIAL_HOSTS
    shift TAPES_PER_HOST


# SYSTEM_DUMP 7-21-99 DSFoster
# Script to assist in performing filesystem dumps.
# The "dumpsched" variable is a list of default dump levels Sunday
# through Saturday.
# The file systems will be dumped in the order of the variable "disks"
# general usage: system_dump
# Non-interactive usage: system_dump <level>
# for an unrecorded dump: system_dump special
# Modifications:
# 3-16-97 DSF Created.
# 9-19-97 DSF Added "-h host" option to specify target hostname.
# 10-19-98 DSF Add "-m modifier" option to allow multiple dumps from
# single machine.
# 7-21-99 DSF Ported to NCMIR lab, new hosts! For now make sure
# we're on a Solaris system (todo: support SGI/DEC/??).

if ( test "`uname -r | cut -d. -f 1`" != "5" ) then
        echo "Not a Solaris system"

# Allow multiple dumps from same host by modifying hostname using
# -m parameter (so "host" becomes "host_2" for "-m 2".
case $1 in
        -m) host_modifier=$2
         *) host_modifier="none"

# Allow user to specify remote dump host as argument

case $1 in
        -r) dumphost_arg=$2
         *) dumphost_arg="none"

case $1 in
        -h) echo " "
                echo " Usage: system_dump [-m modifier] [-r rhost] [ [0-9] | [
special] ]"
                echo " "
                echo " modifier : modify hostname by adding _modifier (eg. _2
                echo " rhost : remote target host with tape drive"
                echo " 0-9 : dump-level (0=full)"
                echo " special : do unrecorded dump"
                echo " "
                echo " Arguments must appear in order shown"
                echo " "

# commands and constants

# Get dumphost info (EDIT FOR LOCAL SITE). Modify hostname by adding "_#"
# if specified on command-line. This allows for multiple dumps from the
# same host. Save original hostname.
if ( test $host_modifier = "none" ) then

case $host in
        dim) disks="/ /usr /var /usr/openwin /opt /opt2"
                        dumpsched="0 0 0 0 0 0 0";;
# host2) disks="???"
# dumphost="host-with-tape"
# device="8mm"
# dumpsched="na 0 na 5 na 3 na";;
        *) echo `basename $0`: Unexpected hostname: $host

# Enable remote host specified as argument

if ( test $dumphost_arg != "none" ) then

        /usr/ucb/echo -n "$*"

        # get default dump level based on dump_schedule:
        day=`date +%w`
        while ( test $day -gt 0 )
          day=`echo $day-1 |bc`
        # query to make sure of level:
        case $default in
                [0-9]) echon "Dump Level (0-9) [$default]: ";;
                *) echon "Dump Level (0-9): ";;
        read ans
        case x$ans in
                x[0-9]) level=$ans;;
                x) level=$default;;
                *) echo $ans is an invalid value for dump_level.; exit;;
# make sure user has root access:
if (test $user != "root" ) then
        echo `basename $0`: Sorry. You must be root to dump filesystems.; exit
# get date:
echo " "
echo Today is `date "+%B %d, %Y (%A)"`
# get and verify dump level:
case x$1 in
        x[0-9]) level=$1;;
        xspecial) unset update; getlevel $dumpsched;;
        x) getlevel $dumpsched;;
        *) echo $1 is an invalid value for dump_level.; exit;;

# Set dump parameters based on physical dump device.

case $device in
        4mm) dumpparams="${update}cbf 126"
# 8mm) dumpparams="${update}f"
# dumpdevice="/dev/rmt/0m";;
        *) echo Invalid device option: $device.; exit;;

# dump the filesystems:

echo " "
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Preparing for level $level dump to $device tape drive on $dumphost"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
starttime=`date "+%I:%M %p on %A, %B %d, %Y"`

if (test $orig_host != $dumphost) then
        access=`rsh $dumphost $whoami`
        echo Local access is $access
        if (test $access != root) then
                echo No root access to remote host $dumphost. ;exit
                echo Root access to $dumphost verified

        echon Making sure tape is rewound...
        rsh $dumphost mt -f $dumpdevice rewind
        echo done

        for disk in $disks
          echo DUMPING ${disk}...
          ufsdump ${level}${dumpparams} ${dumphost}:${dumpdevice}n ${disk}
        echon Rewinding tape...
        rsh $dumphost mt -f $dumpdevice rewoffl
        echo done
        echo Ejecting tape...done
        echon Making sure tape is rewound...
        mt -f $dumpdevice rewind
        echo done
        for disk in $disks
          echo DUMPING ${disk}...
          ufsdump ${level}${dumpparams} ${dumpdevice}n ${disk}
        echon Rewinding tape...
        mt -f $dumpdevice rewoffl
        echo done
        echo Ejecting tape...done
stoptime=`date "+%I:%M %p on %A, %B %d, %Y"`
echo " "
echo "dump started: $starttime"
echo "dump ended: $stoptime"
echo " "

   David Foster National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research
    Programmer/Analyst University of California, San Diego Department of Neuroscience
    (858) 534-7968
          [All opinions expressed are mine -- duh]

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