SUMMARY: Is this a U10S?

From: John Horne (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 03:05:57 CST


Well I have already received many replies to this :-) Thanks to them all (too
many to mention really).

The main difference between the U10 server and U10 workstation is that in
buying a server you are licensed to run the Solaris server software. With
the workstation you would have to upgrade the license to allow it to be used
as a server.

In terms of hardware they are the same, but when you order a server you do
not usually get the monitor, keyboard etc included. With a workstation you
are required to order a monitor for it.


On 13-Mar-00 at 16:34:51 John Horne wrote:
> We've just taken delivery of an Ultra 10S (server) system. However, it
> looks exactly like an Ultra 10 workstation we have and I have no idea how
> to tell the difference between the two. Is there an actual difference
> between the U10S and the U10 workstation? Is there a command I can use to
> show me the difference? I have tried prtconf, 'uname -a', searching the
> Sun managers archive and the Sun answerbook web site. I couldn't find
> anything. I have been 'told' that the only difference is in the licensing
> of the software? (Which doesn't sound right to me, but then...) Looking
> in /platform I can see entries such as:
> COMPstation_U10S -> sun4u
> and SUNW,Ultra-5_10
> If there is no real difference then why have to models - the U10S and U10
> workstation. There was nothing on the delivery note, it just said 'Ultra
> 10 system'. I also couldn't think of anything that would say what it is at
> the PROM level. At bootup it shows 440MHz, Ultra IIi processor, etc, etc -
> excatly the same as the U10 workstation.

John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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