SUMMARY: tuning Solaris for Netscape Enterprise Server

From: chad d campbell (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 07:25:29 CST

Original question:

>We have an E10K domain running NES 3.62 which is experiencing some
>slowdown due to memory overload. In a few days, we'll have added memory
>to fix the problem, but we hope that there may be some kernel tweaks or
>possibly some patches that we could apply to temporarily improve
>performance. Can anyone give me some ideas about what configuration
>changes to try or point me to some patches that may apply to this issue?

The replies I received pointed me to some websites with tuning

There was also some indication that 3.62 has performance issues that
were resolved in 3.63.

Also, we determined that NES was writing to logs in /tmp, which we
believe might have exacerbated some IO problems we were seeing with swap

Thanks to:

Marco Shaw
Kathy K.
Michael Miller
Sebastian Benoit

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