Summary: LargeFiles support under Solaris 2.6 and SunCluster 2.2

From: George DONE (
Date: Mon Nov 01 1999 - 11:14:54 CST

Thank You very much to all who responded to my question:
Casper Dik
Chan Cao
Trevor Paquette
Chad Price
Timothy Lindgren
Konstantinos Aggelakopoulos

Both Timothy and Konstantinos provided me the right solution (which is
the only one). See bellow:

Here is the problem:

I'm facing the following problem:
I have a cluster running Solaris 2.6 and Sun Cluster 2.2
Volume Manager 2.6 and Veritas File System 3.2.5 is used.
The cluster is working very well, but when I try to ftp big files (over
2GB) from another UNIX machine (an ALPHA) I get after 2GB tranfered
"File too big error".
As you know this is a largefile issue, and Solaris 2.6 does support this
option and even is enabled by default, but only for ufs file systems,
For Veritas (vxfs) file systems is not enabled by default but is
supported as option for both creating a vxfs or for mounting.
I never had a chance to create a new vxfs with this option because is a
production system, but I tried to mount with -o largefiles and it seems
to work.
The problem is those file systems are mounted automatically by
SunCluster software.
They are not in /etc/vfstab, but in
and altough similar in syntax, they seems not to understand the last
field, mount-options.
When I start the cluster, I get an error message about "incorrect mount
option" and did not mount at all.

Here is the solution: (by Timothy)

/usr/lib/fs/vxfs/fsadm -o largefiles <path_of_mountpoint>

This will embed the largefiles support option into the file system
Nothing else need be done.
This can be done, even while it is active - no need for downtime or idle

Thank you very much - again -to all of you.

George Done

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