SUMMARY: How can I run a decent JRE on Solaris 2.5?

From: Andras Micsik (
Date: Tue Jul 20 1999 - 10:17:54 CDT

Thanks for your replies. The solution is very simple: from Solaris 2.5.1
there is a new thread model, and only this model is supported in Java. So
you cannot have "native" threads on 2.5, only "green" threads. Some
releases of JRE, however, come with only native thread support.

It is my experience that the "Reference Implementation" used to work.

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Andras Micsik wrote:

> Newest JREs require that some patches be installed on Solaris.
> However they only provide these patches for 2.5.1 and above.
> Does this mean that 2.5 is an unsupported platform for Java?
> How can I find the equivalent patches for 2.5?
> What are the decisions that JRE makes before trying to start?
> If I start jre (1.1.8), it says very quickly:
> You must install a Solaris patch to run this version of the Java runtime.
> Please see the README and release notes for more information.
> Exiting.
> There is no README, and I don't know which patches to install.
> Do you have any solution?

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