SUMMARY: Serial Port talking Program

Date: Wed Jul 07 1999 - 16:26:11 CDT

My Original Question:

> I need to attach a Cisco Router to my Sun`s Serial port, and of course I
> need some program to talk with my router.
> What program can I use to talk over the serial port?
> I did some tests compiling minicom but there are some problems, I am
> unable to compile it right now.

I did compile minicom but I am unable to get 2 Stop bits as the CISCO

A good way is using tip. tip can talk with the serial ports using
/etc/remote as his configuration file.

The MAN page of tip says almost everything you need to know about.

Thanks to
Thad MacMillan <>
Grant Schoep <>
Arthur Darren Dunham <>

Gustavo A. Lozano
Internet de Colombia S.A.
Gerente de Operaciones

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