Hello all!
Thanks for all the quick replies.
These are the steps I followed:
1) Edited the "/etc/exports" on LINUX server as follows:
/{directory} {hostname} rw
2) Executed "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start" on LINUX server.
3) Execute the following daemons on SOLARIS server:
/usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a 16
4) Edited the "/etc/vfstab" file on SOLARIS server and executed the following
# mount -a -F nfs
Thanks again!
Harinder Singh
07/07/99 11:23 AM
To: sun-managers@sunmanagers.ececs.uc.edu
Subject: NFS error
Hello all!
We have Sparc Classic running Solaris 2.5.1. I want to mount a filesystem from
another system which is running LINUX.
I have edited the "/etc/exports" on LINUX server as follows:
share -F nfs -o rw /
When I try to run the following command on the Sparc Classic:
# mount /ci1_root
nfs mount: ci1:: RPC: Program not registered
nfs mount: retrying: /ci1_root
Does anyone has a list of steps I should have followed? I'll summarize!
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