SUMMARY: stop-a with PortMaster as console

From: Luke A. Kanies (
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 16:14:59 CDT

Thanks to all the prompt responses (, Thad MacMillan, Jose
Montilla, Arthur Darren Dunham), and especially Thad MacMillan for
pointing out the exact technote

The answer was to escape telnet (Control-]), and type 'send break'.

My original post:

I have a Livingston Portmaster set up to run as the console on a couple of
Sun systems. For those of you who don't know how this is accomplished, I
have a serial cable running from the a port of each Sun system to a serial
port on the Portmaster. Then (as is described at
< I set the
Portmaster up so that I can telnet to a specific port on the PM (i.e.,
'telnet pm 6001') and be connected to the console of the Sun system. From
here, I can log in, bring the system down to the ok prompt, and do all
kinds of firmware stuff. This is a great tool if you have available

The problem I am having, though, is that I can't figure out how to send
the equivalent of a 'stop-a' through this pseudo-console to the sun
system. If I just do a stop-a, then the machine I am telnetting to the
portmaster from (i.e., my workstation) receives the stop-a. I have tried
various combinations of 'break', because I know that the break key is used
when a terminal is connected to the Sun serial port. As far as I can
tell, Control-break is how I send a break from a Sun keyboard.

So, does anybody have any ideas about how to send one of these systems a
stop-a? I remember reading somewhere about what the ascii code for the
stop-a was, and how to send that code various places, but I can't find the

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to hook
up most of my servers to Portmasters in this manner.

  Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, | (503) 643-9500 corp
  lying in hospitals dying of nothing. | (503) 793-0656 cell
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                     Luke A. Kanies

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