Original question:
I've been given an Ultra2 Sparc loaded with Solaris 2.6 that goes down
automatically when idle for an hour:
I already changed in /etc/power.conf 'Behavior' from 'shutdown' to 'default'
but still the server goes down when it goes idle for an hour or so.
Is there anything else i have to do to prevent this from happening?
I received many replies which i quote below, the first thing i tried was
setting 'Behavior' to 'noshutdown' but still the server went down, then as
root i used CDE's 'dtpower' to set autoshutdown to 'NEVER' and it worked.
Special thanks to Nadya Williams <nadya@rai.ucsd.edu>
Charles.Donelle@microcell.ca (Donelle, Charles)
at the beginning of the /etc/initd/power script put a "exit 0 " on the
3td or 4th line. the do a kill of the power daemon.
schaefer@wolfe.llnl.gov (Wolf Schaefer)
start and stop /etc/rc2.d/S85power script
rxk@fluent.com (Rajeev Kumar)
The line should look like in /etc/power.conf
# Auto-Shutdown Idle(min) Start/Finish(hh:mm) Behavior
autoshutdown 30 9:00 9:00 noshutdown
sadkins@voyager2.cns.ohiou.edu (Scott Adkins)
Change it to "noshutdown" instead of "default". That does the trick for me.
I believe that it defaults to "noshutdown" in Solaris 7. Funny, eh? :-)
Another way to solve the problem is to kill the powerd daemon to begin with:
1) /etc/init.d/power stop
2) mv /etc/rc2.d/S85power /etc/rc2.d/s85power
This is actually what I do on all my machines. Of course, if you are indeed
watching the power levels from your UPS's or something, you don't want to do
that, I believe :-)
sam.vilain@nz.unisys.com (Vilain, Sam)
Just get rid of SUNWpm and SUNWpmow
# pkgrm SUNWpm SUNWpmow
you have to disable de autoshutdown by putting /etc/rc2.d/S85power to
/etc/rc2.d/s85power. The next time you reboot the machine the powerd daemon
won't start.
Matthew.Stier@tddny.fujitsu.com (Matthew Stier)
You need to change the behavior to "noshutdown".
If you don't want power management running at all, remove the /etc/rc?.d script.
tonywu@att.net.tw (Tony C. Wu)
You can disable the power management.
1. /etc/rc2.d/S85power stop
2. mv /etc/rc2.d/S85power /etc/rc2.d/_S85power
yuhc@asiainfo.com (Haicheng Yu)
change to noshutdown
or comment the autoshutdown line.
vmiddela@cs.gmu.edu (Venu M Middela)
As root, execute /usr/openwin/bin/xview/dtpower and adjust setting
to "never".
nadya@rai.ucsd.edu (Nadya Williams)
Login as root into CDE and in Power Management Menu set autoshutdown to
Check screen saver settings.
David.Babcock@us.rbcds.com (Babcock, David)
Change 'default' to 'noshutdown'.
That should do it. The 'default' behavior IS shutdown...
gll@inel.gov (Jerry Litteer)
Find the scripts in /etc/init.d and their links in rc[0-9].d and PURGE them!!!!
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