SUMMARY: C Header Files in /usr/include

From: Monika Gindl (
Date: Tue Mar 16 1999 - 07:38:51 CST

Thanks for all replies!

The information about the 'software group'/distribution installed on a sun
can be found in /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER file.

# cat /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER

# grep METACLUSTER /var/sadm/system/admin/.clustertoc

gives the possible 'distribution versions'.

For the header files:

I installed package SUNWhea for the C header files in /usr/include.

About fetchmail: gave me the hint that there is a precompiled "package" of
fetchmail (Version 3.9.5) for Solaris 2.5.1 on

Thanks to:

Nick Trimbee
Jonathan Goldthorp
Casper Dik
James Coby
Ronald Loftin
Moshe Bar
Daniel Ellis
Kevin Sheehan
Richard Roberto

Original message:

> Hi Sun-managers,
> Two weeks ago I posted a question regarding connecting to a pop3-server
> to retrieve mail. I got a lot of mails with references to fetchmail. I'm
> now trying to configure and install the tool, but there are most header
> files in /usr/include missing!
> Question:
> Which package do I have to install to get the header files in
> /usr/include; or how do I get the information which 'software group' is
> installed on a sun ( like End User System Support, Developer System,
> Entire Distribution/plus OEM)?
> Implementation:
> Solaris 2.6
> sun4c sparc SUNW,Sun_4_60
> I will summarize this question and my last one (connecting to a pop
> server) as soon as possible!
> Thanks in advance,
> -- monika

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