Original question:
Is there a simple command available to check who (the IP#) is accessing
this web server (Sol2.5.1 with sun web server software) NOW? Like "w"
to check who is logon.
HTTP is basically stateless. A client opens a socket, grabs a page, and disconnects.
To find out who has an active connection to the webserver at the very INSTANT you run a command, use "netstat".
netstat -a |grep http
netstat -n| grep ".80"
For past connections, check the http log file.
You may also download lsof from www.sunfreeware.com.
Thanks to
Nick Trimbee <nick@orca.com>
"Mark Neill" <Mark.Neill@fanb.com>
"Christopher D. Liljenstolpe" <cds@io.com>
Candido Caceres <ccaceres@vector.com.mx>
Rudy Willis <rudy@pbis.com>
"Todd M. Wilkinson" <tmwilkin@mail.com>
"T Karthikeyan" <sun_ultra@hotmail.com>
"Rodney Wines" <Rodney.Wines@ahqps.alcatel.fr>
David B. Harrington <dharringt@deq.state.va.us>
"Sherwood, Brian" <Brian.Sherwood@wilcom.com>
Marc MARC.NEWMAN@chase.com
"Nick Hindley" <N.A.Hindley@itsd.lbhf.gov.uk>
Chris Eslinger <eslingc@atd.sprintcorp.com>
Wade Stuart <wstuart@osagemn.com>
James Neal - HandiCAT <neal@ee.pdx.edu>
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