In short, what was the problem:
I created virtual interfaces with /sbin/ifconfig hme0:1 up
as of solaris 2.6, the OS adds a route over each of the virtual interfaces.
With solaris 2.6, I ussued route delete to
delete these routes. As of Solaris 7, the OS does no more accept this
(wrong) command, as it is false. it should be:
route delete net
Here some other hints:
sam.vilain@nz.unisys.com noted a better way to create virtual interfaces:
> a better way to set up the interfaces is by creating /etc/hostname.hme0:1,
> etc.)
>All traffic should go out from the hostname named by /etc/nodename, except
>connections initiated to the secondary interfaces, which is generally a Good
>Thing (tm). This is because a bind to the unspecified address, or making
>a new
>network socket always gives you the primary address of the host. An
>has to specifically bind to the virtual interfaces to use that address.
"V. Q. Hoang" <vqh@dw.lucent.com> noted:
> Try
> ndd -set /dev/ip ip_enable_group_ifs 0
> this was something that started with 2.6, I'm not sure if it's
> still there with 2.7
Well, I could net get this to work....
Thanks to all who replied
Lukas Karrer Email: lkarrer@trash.net
WWW: http://www.trash.net/
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