I had a problem booting a partition which was at the end of a 9GB disk.
Rick Caldwell of GeoQuest was first past the post with a quote from the
Solaris FAQ
All version of the SPARC PROMs should work under Solaris 2.x,
but you can run into the following problems:
1) No part of the boot partition may be offset more than 1 GB
into the disk, unless you have a PROM with rev 2.6 or better.
Note that the number behind the point is not a fraction, it's
an integer. Hence 3.0 > 2.25 > 2.10 > 2.9 > 2.1 > 2.0 > 1.6.
I have an earlier revision of the PROM. (I also have an earlier revision
of the Solaris FAQ which doesn't mention this. I've updated the FAQ, but
I'm leaving the PROM alone and changing the layout of my disk).
Thanks Rick, and the others who replied, several of whom had the same general
Kindest regards,
Niall O Broin
UNIX Network Administrator nobroin@esoc.esa.de
Ground Systems Engineering Department Ph./Fax +49 6151 90 3619/2179
European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany
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