SUMMARY: Need Complied binary for gtar or gnu tar for Solaris 2.x

From: Park, Laura (JITC/TRW) (
Date: Wed Jan 13 1999 - 11:09:40 CST

Many thanks to all who answered so promptly!

The key response is that tar at the gnu ftp sites is really the same as the
gtar we were looking for.

Almost everyone suggested going back to the sunfreeware web site.

We used:

Some people sent compiled binaries as well.

Thanks- We had a short fused requirement and were not in a position to
compile our own binary at the site where we were located.

Also, we got a response back from the MySQL people, and were able to use
their binary!!

I know the following list of people who answered is not complete:
Karl Vogel, Ray Trzaska, Steve Butt, Stefan Voss, Marcos Silva, Reto
Lichtensteiger, Jonathan Loh, Brad Peers, David Evans, Matthew Stier, Brad
Young, Hirashi Fujinaka, Jeff Wimmer, Bill Armand, Rik Schneider, Enrique
Vadillo, Matthew Lee Stier.

Original Text
>From "Park, Laura (JITC/TRW)" <>, on 1/7/99 7:31 PM:
Went to the following sites - did not see a gtar or gtar-sparc listed.

The product that we are trying to untar, MySQL, has long file names in the
tar file so the Solaris tar does not work. The MySQL had gtar we
downloaded, but the only switches that work are the --help and the version
switch. The options for extracting or performing a TOC do not work.

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