SUMMARY:which program is using rpc.ttdbserverd

Date: Wed Oct 14 1998 - 15:48:37 CDT

I received many helpful suggestions. Thank you to all who replied.

Here's a summary of the suggestions I have received:

Which application program is using the rpc.ttdbserverd:

     Ans: According to all the responses, the rpc.ttdbserverd is part of
tooltalk process. To find out which process is using the tooltalk, one can
use following command to find out whether a program is running TT or not

  ldd <program-name>

if the program is linked to then it might be running ToolTalk.

Why rpc.ttdbserverd takes up some much CPU resource?

     Ans:From all the responses I got, it clearly indicates to me there are
bugs in the tooltalk package we are using here. Our patch for tooltalk is
105802-03. According to David Milun, he said "there is a horrible bug in
the 105802-05 patch, which causes rpc.ttdbserverd to go CPU-bound.
105802-06 fixes it, I believe."

Quick Solution to fix the problem:

As described in the Solaris FAQ, (sorry I did not know the FAQ already has
the solution) I killed the rpc.ttdbserverd processes, and then remove the
TT_DB directorires. And it did it.

     Other comment from the response:

     According to Benjamin Cline, " I wanted to point out that this daemon
was recently
found to have a nasty security hole, see Sun patch 104489-08 and CERT
advisory CA-98.11[1] for details."

My sincere thanks to all following contributors:

Benjamin R. Cline
Davin Milun
Marais Gert
Susan Feng
A. Guru Prasad
Sean Ward
Harvey Wamboldt
Grant Schoep

Here is the original question:

To All the Sun Managers:

I have reviewed the man info on rpc.ttdbserverd, but I still do not
understand which program or application is using this process. Can anyone
enlighten me on this?

The process is running on our system all the time and I have no clue in
terms of which application is using it and it uses about 50% of the CPU
time on our system according to the top program.

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