SUMMARY: Difference between Workstation and Server? (fwd)

From: Scott F. Woods (
Date: Thu Sep 24 1998 - 16:58:34 CDT

My thanks to everyone who replied to my question (if I missed your
name I am sorry)

Stephen Harris
Casper Dik
Mark Sherman
Leif Ericksen
James Musso
Ray Trzaska
Matthew Stier
Brion Leary
Dwight Peters
Marco Greene
Fred Crowner
Murat Balkas
Jay Morgan

The general opinion was that there is no difference in the OS between the
Workstation and the Server versions of Solaris, but there are licensing
differences. Several people replied that a machine is considered a server
if it exports more filesystems than it imports. One person replied that
if more than a single concurrent user is logged onto the machine it is
considered a server. Still another person responded saying it really
doesn't matter as long as all of the machines being served are suns (or at
least running a licensed copy of Solaris).

The Server version also comes with many extras including DiskSuite,
Solstice BackUp, NFSClient, etc.... (along with a license to use them I

Here is my original post.

Hi all,

I have never understood Sun's definition of Workstation vs.
Server. There seems to be two versions of Solaris (Workstation
and Server) which cost very different prices for subscription
services. Is there actually any difference in the software or
is this a licensing thing? We have a Sun workstation on everyone's
desk (we don't use any xterms or any non-sun equipment), but
some machines are more powerful than others and so sometimes
there will be serveral users logged in to them running jobs.
Does this mean that this machine is acting as a server?

Does anyone know what the licensing agreement is with a new
Sun workstation? I thought that you basically had the right
to run the lastest version of Solaris on a new workstation from
Sun (i.e. you only needed to buy the media). Is this the workstation
or the Server version?

Thanks for your help!!


| Scott Woods phone: 770-497-2948 |
| CAD Engineer email: |
| Integrated Device Technology, Inc. |
| 11555 Medlock Bridge Rd. Suite #170 |
| Duluth, GA 30097 |

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