My previous attempt to send this failed. Last week, I wrote:
> Greetings.
> I have a Sparc 4 with one 32MB memory module installed. For the past
> couple of days, it has generated a "Memory Address not Aligned" error
> message while performing the memory test on boot, and then hangs. I
> have no other modules I can swap into this computer. Is it likely the
> memory has gone bad, as I suspect, or am I also looking at problems
> elsewhere in the system?
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
I had checked the archives before posting this and discovered that the
success of the search function is highly dependent on the values you
give it. I had made my search too restrictive and didn't find
anything of value.
I was told the problem was either the CPU board (which it wasn't) or a
bad SIMM (which it was). We've replaced the memory module in the
system and it is up and running again.
Thanks to everyone who replied.
- Mike
-- Michael Jewison | Email: Medical Imaging Specialist | Phone: (519) 685-8300 x32240 London Health Sciences Centre | FAX: (519) 663-3544 University Campus | 339 Windermere Rd. | WWW: London, Ontario N6A 5A5-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GS d+ s+:++ a C++++$ US++++$ P++ L- E W++(+++)$ N++ o-- !K-- w !O !M !V PS PE Y !PGP t+@ 5++ X++ !R tv+ b+ DI++ !D G e+++ h---- r+++ y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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