I asked if there are any shareware SNMP packages available. All but one
recommended the 'UCD-SNMP' package available from
One recommended CMU-SNMP:
http://www.duth.gr/InfoBase/noc/cmu_snmp.txt (some related info)
ftp://lancaster.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/snmp/ (the actual site)
I have downloaded both and will eventually report if I find one to be
Original Question:
Is anyone aware of a shareware UNIX daemon available to catch
SNMP traps? We have 3com Transcend software to handle SNMP
events, but would like to be able to pipe the results into a
homegrown application through a UNIX daemon. I will summarize.
Thanks to the following for their helpful responses:
Stephen Harris <sweh@mpn.com>:
Michael Neef <Michael.Neef@neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>:
adlai b <adlaib@lucent.com>
Benjamin Cline <benji@hnt.com>
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