Unfortunately I only received 2 replys and I am still without an answer. I
have included the original message and one reply of what NOT to do (or at
least exercise caution when doing). Thank you to both who replied.
The original message:
> Dear Sun Managers,
> We are doing some capacity planning work and therefore we are changing
> out hardware between machines pretty regularly. As you know when adding
> faster CPU's, you must also add the appropriate system card which
> corresponds to the newer, faster CPU's. After doing this, we rebooted
> system and received the following error message ...
> Multiple PROM versions detected. Use 'update-proms' to update prom
> on boards
> At the OK prompt I typed 'update-proms' and the system gave a message
> indicating that it was in fact updating the proms (i.e. copying PROM
> version from board 5 to board 7). After a few seconds passed the system
> reported the following ...
> MMU miss
> And then returned to the OK prompt. I then rebooted the system and
> apparently the update-proms command was unsuccessful as the "... use
> update-proms command ..." still appears. The system is up and running
> fine, but I would feel better if the problem were fixed.
> 1) Does anyone have knowledge of the "update-proms" fourth command, and
> so, does it simply update firmware versions ??
> 2) Does anyone understand what the "MMU miss" could be telling me ?? (I
> know MMU is Memory Management Unit and is responsible for managing the
> memory at the hardware level, but I probably need more details to
> understand why I am seeing a "MMU miss")
> 3) Why doesn't the 'update-proms' command work ?? (Perhaps the same as
> answer to #2)
> 4) Does anyone know how to fix the system ? (either through the use of
> 'update-proms' or other method - if not possible through the
> command, why ?)
> TIA,
> John Hilger
> john.hilger@ac.com
The first reply simply stated the MMU miss was due to the version of the OS
being not up-to-date, and suggested using a different version of the OS
(Solaris 2.5.1 5/98) - unfortunately this was NOT an option.
Unfortunately the following reply/recommendation resulted in further
adverse affects (I point this out only to educate NOT to humiliate).
=================8< Begin 8<=====================
For our E3000 the documentation said (in an obscure corner of the book)
that the machine needed to be powered down for at least 15 seconds for
the new eprom to take permanentaly after being updated. If you reboot
without the power cycle the prom upgrade won't take (as per your
1- Update the proms : 'update-proms'
2- shutdown system
3- power off
4- wait at least 15 seconds (you may want to give it a minute)
5- power back up
This worked.
Strange though, we have upgraded proms in the past and we don't remember
having to power off. It may have something to do with the new levels.
=============8< End 8<===============
When I performed the above recommendation the system failed to even perform
the POST (Power On Self Test). Apparently this erased the flash-prom.
The system will not boot with the "updated" board in slot #3, it must be in
another slot in order to even perform the POST. The board that was updated
contains 2 processors and 1-Gig of memory. Now, if the board is moved to
another slot the memory can be seen, but the processors are NOT seen. It
appears as though the flash-prom on the board has been erased. I managed
to get another board and Sun has been contacted - I am hoping it is just a
firmware load. The morale of the story - Exercise caution when performing
the "update-proms" command !!!
If anyone reads this and has additional information on the issue please let
me know.
John Hilger
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