Summary: Radius and Nis+

From: Ramon Castillo (
Date: Fri Jul 24 1998 - 19:57:07 CDT

Original Question:

        Is it posible to run Radius authentication over NISPlus tables
Running on Solaris 2.6 march/98 ?


        Yes, the answer was found at

and it says:

Question: How do you redirect RADIUS from looking in etc/passwords or
etc/shadow when using password=UNIX ?

Answer: Radius uses a UNIX system
call (getpwnam) to access the /etc/passwd file. This system call will
access whatever sources are specified in the nsswitch.conf file. The
sources are the /etc/passswd file, NIS and NIS+ databases. You can type a
"man on (getpwnam)" command for more information
regarding its operation under your version of UNIX.

Many Thanks to all who reply.

Ramon Castillo

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