My original mail below and beneath that the e-mail from Vincent Campbell
which I (again) like to thank for the quick and detailed response.
> Hi there, I am trying to connect a Iomega zip-100 to a SS5 running solaris
> 2.4 Already found some info thru dejanews but mostly x86. I am wondering
> if its even possible to use PC zip's on sparc architecture. So my
> question: if someone has experience with this matter, please give me some
> pointers on how to get the drive working.
I've also got a SS5 (Sol 2.5), and an Iomega ZIP Plus Drive - this
has a parallel/SCSI autodetect that seems to work ok (although I have
been warned it can cause problems if there is more than one device on
the SCSI chain).
I can connect it to the parallel port of an NT machine or the SCSI
port of a SS5. (I had to buy a D25<->D50mini cable converter for this).
Basically you can work with Sun UFS filesystems no problem, but you'll
need something like mtools to acces DOS filesystems.
Iomega have a very good note on this.
Check out :
SCSI ID 5 seems to be default for many tools. Use this if
it's not already in use.
Just add entries to /etc/format.dat as given in above web page
do a boot -r
run format .... you should see the ZIP disk
(if the Zip disk is unformatted or non Sun UFS you
will get a "drive type unknown" message -just select
the disknumber and then select "15. Zip 100" from
the list given)
format zip disk
partition it (I just use default whole disk partition)
create a FS ... newfs -v /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2 (target 5)
mount it ... mount /dev/dsk/c0t5d0s2 /mnt (or /zip, etc)
then just use like a normal partition.
I read somewhere that the Solaris (pre 2.5) pcfs driver doesn't understand
a PC FAT disk, so you can't mount a FAT format Zip disk - this was supposed
to be fixed in Solaris 2.6, but I haven't checked this yet.
So, you'll need to install something like mtools which you'll find at:
Installing mtools is pretty straightforward.
You'll need to create an /etc/mtools.conf (or /usr/local/etc/mtools.conf)
with an entry something like:
# Drive Z is ZIP-100 at target 5
drive z: file="/dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2" partition=4 scsi=1 nodelay
Then use mzip -e z: to eject the disk
mdir z: to list the contents of the disk
mcopy to copy files
Have fun.
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