SUMMARY: nouser,mnttab,filter

From: Tze Wong (
Date: Thu Jun 25 1998 - 03:10:50 CDT

The solution I used for the problem:
1) copy back the line from another Sparc1000 with Solaris 2.4
2) Reboot the server
3) lpsystem -tbsd <print server>
   lpadmin -p <printer_name> -s <print server>
   lpfilter -f <filter_name> -F /etc/lp/fd/<filter_name>.fd
   accept <printer_name>
   enable <printer_name>
and it prints!
thanks to those who reply,

Ackerson, Greg
Joel Lee
Marco Greene
Luciana Pinheiro Solano
Stefan Voss

original post:

I faced the following problem,
1) Is there a way to created back the nobody user?
2) I have deleted out the NFS mounting entry in the /etc/mnttab file
since the server complain about NFS server mounting, when I do a df
-k. Now, I cant do a ls -al in the directory it mounted, and complaint
bad directory when I cd to that directory. That machine is using
Solaris 2.4 with recommendated patch installed only. Is there a way to
bring back the NFS mounting? without rebooting the server?
3) I tried to installed the enscript printing tools, and I hit the
filter problem. First, I did a lpsystem -tbsd print_server(HP 4MV
Laser printer with IP), lpadmin -p printer_name -s print_server, then
accept printer_name, enable printer_name. When I did a lpfilter -f all
-l, I saw nothing! What should be my next step....? Is there any good
printing tools recommended besides a2ps, enscript? I have a hard time
to get the HP Jetadmin source.

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