SUMMARY: tcopy produces negative output ...

From: Pravin Chavan (
Date: Mon Jun 08 1998 - 22:52:32 CDT

Original Question:

Hi Sun-Managers,

tcopy /dev/rstx

gives the following output :

file 1: records 1 to 279729: size 10240
file 1: eof after 279729 records: -1430542336 bytes
total length: -1430542336 bytes

How should I interpret the "total length" - as 1.4GB
or as an erroneous output?



Thanks to:
--------- (Paul T. Keener)
Derek Terveer <>
 Igor Schein <>
"K.Ravi" <>
Jochen Bern <>
"Carsten B. Knudsen" <>

The answer:

I would like to quote Jochen Bern's reply which was
more detailed:

1. As an Overflow. Your tcopy uses some Kind of Variable Type internally
   -- should better be some Kind of Integer Number, rather than a Real ;-)
   -- uses one Bit as a Sign (rather than using unsigned Integers)
   Conclusion: It consists of n Bits (n a Multiple of 8) and, thus, can
   represent positive Numbers from 1 (Bits 0...01) through
   (2^(n-1))-1 (Bits 01...1) and negative Numbers from -1 (Bits 1...1)
   through -(2^(n-1)) (Bits 10...0). (The Sign Bit is always the left-
   most one.) As you see, when the Bits go from 01...1 to 10...0 (the
   "Increase by 1" that actually does the Overflow), the Number
   represented changes from (2^(n-1))-1 (MAX-1) to -(2^(n-1))
   (-MAX), i.e., by (- 2 MAX + 1) instead of +1. Thus, every Over-
   flow needs to be corrected by adding 2 MAX.
   Assuming that you had only ONE Overflow, your tcopy likely uses
   n = 4*8 = 32 (normal int/long on sun4 Architectures), hence
   MAX = 2147483648 (2 Gig) and corrected Value approximately
   - 1.4 GB + 2*2 GB = 2.6 GB.

2. As a Hint that you need a better tcopy. ;-) Isn't there a GNU Version?


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