[SUMMARY] Solaris-equivalent of scsiinfo

From: Wales Wong (wawong@ouhk.edu.hk)
Date: Thu May 28 1998 - 02:32:38 CDT

Hi Managers,

I have received two replies from
i) Nick Murray <nmurray@csd.abdn.ac.uk>, and
ii) Chris Marble <cmarble@orion.ac.hmc.edu>, respectively

Both of them said scsiinfo gives similar garbage results on their
Ultras. Nick did some benchmarks and got the expected ~10MB/sec read
throughput. Chris said ater a reboot everything's reporting as Clean.

Thanks for their previous input.

Here's the original question:

Dear Managers,

On my E3000 running Solaris 2.5.1, scsiinfo (version 4.5) tells
me that two targets are noisy (as shown here):

fas0: sdb,0 tgt 11 lun 0:
        Synchronous(10.0MB/sec) Noisy NoTaggedQueuing Narrow
fas0: sdc,0 tgt 12 lun 0:
        Synchronous(10.0MB/sec) Noisy NoTaggedQueuing Narrow

However, I fail to convince my vendor that my machine "might" have
problem. It is because they insist that they have no idea of what
scsiinfo is (!?)

My question is: is there any solaris command(s) that I can produce
the same result?

Thanks in advance and I'll summarise.

Best Regards,
   / Wales K. F. Wong /\
  / ITU, Open University / /\ _______________ ______________
 / of Hong Kong / / / Phone /\ / Fax /\
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Never lose faith in your ability

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