Date: Wed May 06 1998 - 19:45:45 CDT

thanks for the answer. I got quite a lot of them.

Thanks to
Marc S Gibian
Richard J Niziak
Francois Leclerc
Kavin Dean
David Thorburn

As Richard puts it :
"We use it here quite nicely... works fine w/ Solaris, AIX, HP/UX
etc.... anything that has a console port even CISCO hubs, firewalls
it deas it all..."

Further info can be obtained from

 DEC DIRECT at 1-800-344-4825

thanks to Kevin
My original question was:
> I'm trying to get some info on this product . I don't seem to be able to
> get that many valuable info from
> the net. Most of the info says that it works with VMS and Digital UNIX.
> I'm not sure whether this product works with Sun Solaris Unix.
> Does anyone have any info on this product or have used this product ?
> Another thing is i read somewhere is that you can use this product to
> connect
> to a network hub which then uses a port in direct mode to make the
> serial connection. Can it be done ?

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