SUMMARY/Memory error question

From: Douglas E. Carr (
Date: Thu Apr 30 1998 - 09:06:31 CDT


  Thanks to all that responded to my question:

Original question ******

 I have a Sparc 5/110, SunOS 4.1.4 that's been rebooting
lately and leaving the following messages in

Async memory fault mfsr=0x81884820 mfar=0x151a418
panic on cpu 0: async memory fault.

  Can anyone give me any clues as to what the problem is?


  Most of the respondents agree that I have a problem
with a memory module. Some suggestions were to turn
off the system and reseat each memory module. If that
didn't solve the problem replace each memory module
until the problem is fixed.

  Thanks for you help.


Doug Carr                             
Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering
136B Ag. Engr. Bldg.                      Internet:
University of Kentucky Voice: (606) 257-3000 X 141
Lexington, KY  40546-0276 Fax: (606) 257-5671

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