Thanks to the reply from Richard A. Frewin, which follows, along with
the original question. In discussion with SunSolve, I found they have
some outstanding "ease of use" issues, to incorporate a simple method to
increase pointer size under CDE and Openwindows (Bug ID 1115701). No
timetable, though.
>From RA Frewin:
I'm a partially sughted sys admin - in .xinitrc/.xsession I use
something like
xsetroot -cursor /usr/X11/include/X11/bitmaps/mailempty
/usr/X11/include/X11/bitmaps/mailemptymsk &
I'm sure you could find something better than a flying mailbox :-)
Original question:
> Does anyone have a cookbook method to get a large mouse pointer for an
> individual user, under CDE 1.0.2?
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