First i would like to thank Ron Kelley, Ning Zhang and Michael Hill; these
guys have sent me a lot of hints, but this hints didn't solve my problem,
but i have found a way out of this problem.
I'm trying to install a solaris 2.5.1 in a pentium 200 system, ant it have
a hard disk maxtor of 5.1 Gb, So whe i try to make the intalation, the
solaris can make a partition of just 1.192 Gb.
Does anybody knows how to make my solaris system recognize my entire disk??
My hard disk was set to LBA mode, i had just to set it to normal mode, and
make the lowlevel format again, the the instalation disks have recognized
it with 5.098 Mb
Thank's for every one
Fabio Amaral
|Fabio Amaral |
|System Administrator |
|Imagics Internet |
| |
| |
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