I was looking for the way one changes the auto-repeat rate of the keyboard on a
Solaris 2.5/CDE 1.0.1 machine. The answer is to add the -ar1 and -ar2 arguments
to the /etc/dt/config/Xservers Xsun line(s) to globally set the auto-repeat
speed. There was one response that a .xserverrc file could be used for user
specific customization but I have not had time to try it.
My thanks to:
dhaut@level1.com (Dave Haut)
Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child})
Casper Dik <casper@holland.Sun.COM>
"Iskander, Tim" <ISKANDER@infimed.com>
Ric Anderson <ric@rtd.com>
"Karl E. Vogel" <vogelke@c17.wpafb.af.mil>
Marc S. Gibian
Telos Comsys phone: (617) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email: gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil
or is it: gibian@hanscom.af.mil
well, maybe: gibianm@hanscom.af.mil
and if all else fails: marc.gibian@acm.org
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