SUMMARY: postprint blank pages

From: Kerry Jones (
Date: Thu Jul 31 1997 - 20:12:48 CDT


Thanks to the following for replying so quickly, once again I am amazed at
the speed and accuracy of the responses from this Mailing list, well done. (Frode Stromsvag) (John W. Funk)
"Karl E. Vogel" <>

The problem seemed to be that some postscript printers requires the <Ctrl>D
or (char) 4 to terminate each print. Otherwise it doesn't recognize that
the next data
coming is is really another print request.

Maybe postprint doesn't put this character into the PS file it
generates?? I haven't tested it, just an idea.

It seems that postprint does not create an end of job control character
properly, as other jobs which were not using postprint didn't have this
problem. My solution was to add an extra line (echo ^D) to the
/etc/lp/interfaces/printer script so that any print jobs going to that
printer have a explicit end of job control character sent. That seems to
have fixed the problem.

Problem description:
> Hi, Has anyone seen this one before...

> I have a PS print queue setup and am using the following command to print to
> it...

> postprint -s8 file | lp -s -dprinter

> The jobs always print if there is nothing in the print queue...

> The problem is that if I start another print job using exactly the same
> command while another one is printing the second job either prints blank
> pages or doesn't print at all...

Kerry Jones, UNIX System Manager              __   __             
Australian Institute of Marine Science,      /  `-'  )         ,,,
Townsville, Australia.                      |  [====||||||||||[:::}                          \__.-._\          ```
Ph: (077) 534 400                     

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