>On Wednesday, June 25, 1997, I had inquired as to people's experience with an
>ADIC VLS LT 400 Library with Solaris 2.5.1 (on a Sun Sparcstation2),
>and I received two responses:
>(1) doug@tor.digidyne.ca
>Check the legato Site for new driver updates and the /kernel/drv/st.conf
>definition is not what we use when setting up the dlt 4000 on sun boxes we
>use the following.
>"Quantum DLT4000", "Quantum DLT 4000", "DLT",
>DLT = 1,0x36,0,0xd639,1,0x00,0;
>(2) Erwin Fritz efritz@glja.com
>I had one of these hooked up to an HP9000 a while back. Networker couldn't
>handle it. Tech support provided me with a different Networker driver file
>and it worked fine. I also remember seeing a tech bulletin/patch at the
>Networker site (www.legato.com) about one of these.
>Doug's configuration for st.conf solved it for me, and I am using
>/dev/rmt/0hbn for device drivers and it's working! Thank you ever so much!
> Ju-Lien Lim
> Tel: (203) 459-7691
> E-mail: jlim@oxhp.com
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