SUMMARY: Finding no of open files for a process

From: Atish (
Date: Fri May 02 1997 - 07:50:09 CDT

Hi all,
        I had a query : "how to find the number of oopen files for a process,
in Solaris 2.4"
        It can be solved in two ways.
1) Copy the binary /usr/proc/bin/pfiles from Solaris 2.5, and run it on
Solaris 2.4 It WORKS.
   ( pfiles <PID> ).
2) Use a software called lsof ( from Purdue univ. )
   I got a copy from a collegue here, but it's available freely.
   One ftp site is :
   lsof -p <PID> does the same thing.
Thanks a lot ,
>From : Atish Datta Chowdhury
       Oracle Software Development Centre
       India Development Centre
       150 Embassy Point
       Bangalore 560001
Telephone: (080) 2256099 Extn:496/atish

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